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How to put recovery mode on jetson xavier agx without interface?

can someone help me to put my jetson xavier agx mode to recovery mode, I tried from micro usb to computer, but it doesnt work, computer doesnt detect jetson, please point me the istruction to put recovery mode

I tried from micro usb to usb version with my computer


    1. Start with power off. Connect power supply if not yet done. Connect a USB cable from host into micro-USB connector of AGX Xavier.
    2. Press and hold ForceRecovery button (the middle one).
    3. Press and release Power button.
    4. Wait for 3 seconds
    5. Release force recovery button.

    Then your AGX Xavier should be in recovery mode. From host, lsusb should now show the Jeston as a device from NVIDIA Corp.

    Note that recovery mode doesn't restore any default state, it just puts your jetson in a mode where it could be reflashed from host (using SDKM or script).