I have a line chart in Power-BI.
This shows the running sum auf my working hours per day of the month (see below).
Today I am changing the recent month (here: September) in a different color like the past months.
I want that the line for the recent month is colored dynamically different.
Create two measure: one for the effort of the recent month and another one for non-recent month
Recent Month
Laufende Summe von Taetigkeit_Dauer_t - recent month = If(
[Leistungsdatum_Monat Measure] = MONTH(Today()),
[Laufende Summe von Taetigkeit_Dauer_t in Tag])
Past Month
Laufende Summe von Taetigkeit_Dauer_t - past month = If(
[Leistungsdatum_Monat Measure] = MONTH(Today()),
[Laufende Summe von Taetigkeit_Dauer_t in Tag])
Tried to make a line chart and drop the measures on the y-axis and the seconday y-axis, but it was not allowed.
Thank in advance!
This is an excellent chart but what you want to do is not currently possible with native Power BI visuals. The problem you have is that you have a single measure which gives you a single line series. You are then getting further month granularity by then adding a legend. Once you're at this stage, you can only select static colours from the formatting pane. The alternative is to have a measure for each month line but this is then not dynamic when your data updates. The normal way to do this is to convert the line to a bar chart (ensure no legend), use the bar chart conditional formatting and then convert back to a line chart where the conditional formatting still works in the background but again this only works if you already have the granularity (which you do not).
The chart is a great way of visualising data but would only currently be possible in something like Deneb.