I'm looking for a way to add the shortcut hint to a Menu item into the red square as shown on the picture:
It should say "Usage guide" on the left and "F1" on the right. However, in Qt6 I cannot find a way to do this, because MenuItem as compared to Qt5 doesn't have shortcut
property anymore.
This is my code that doesn't show the shortcut:
Menu {
id: helpMenu
title: "&Help"
Action {
text: "Usage guide"
shortcut: "F1"
However, using a delegate on Menu, I can force it to display more information:
Menu {
id: helpMenu
title: "&Help"
delegate: MenuItem {
id: control
contentItem: Rectangle {
anchors.centerIn: parent
Text {
text: control.text
anchors.left: parent.left
Text {
text: "F1"
anchors.right: parent.right
Action {
text: "Usage guide"
shortcut: "F1"
but here I don't know how to pass the shortcut from an Action into the delegate. It only works for text. I can hardcode the text in there, but that's not useful.
This is basically your solution, but using Shortcut to convert the standard keyboard shortcuts into a string.
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
Window {
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("Hello World")
Menu {
id: contextMenu
title: "&Help"
Action {
text: "Usage guide"
shortcut: "F1"
Action {
text: "Cut"
shortcut: StandardKey.Copy
Action {
text: "Copy"
shortcut: "Ctrl+E,Ctrl+W"
Action { text: "Paste" }
delegate: MenuItem {
id: control
contentItem: Item {
anchors.centerIn: parent
Text {
text: control.text
anchors.left: parent.left
color: "white"
Shortcut {
id: shortcutHelper
sequence: control.action.shortcut
Text {
text: shortcutHelper.nativeText
anchors.right: parent.right
color: "white"
Component.onCompleted: contextMenu.open()
After reading a bit about shortcuts and standard keyboard shortcuts I found this bugreport. The solution I came up with outputs a warning which says to use sequences
for standard keyboard shortcuts instead of sequence
as there could be multiple shortcuts assigned to a standard keyboard shortcut.
QML Shortcut: Shortcut: Only binding to one of multiple key bindings associated with 9. Use 'sequences: [ ]' to bind to all of them.
So for your purpose this would be sufficient:
Menu {
id: contextMenu
title: "&Help"
Action {
text: "Usage guide"
shortcut: "F1"
delegate: MenuItem {
id: control
contentItem: Item {
anchors.centerIn: parent
Text {
text: control.text
anchors.left: parent.left
color: "white"
Text {
text: control.action.shortcut
anchors.right: parent.right
color: "white"