Search code examples

Adding new field with complex conditions in mongodb

In my Auction application, I have 3 primary tables, Auctions, Bids, and User. I'm trying to build a MongoDB query where I can get the highest bid of each user on each auction (if they placed a bid), also I want to have a column that says the status of the user on that particular auction. I'm able to get all columns except the status column which is kinda complicated.

Logic for status column

  1. If the auction has not ended:
    1. If the user is the highest bidder then "You are the highest bidder".
    2. If the user is not the highest bidder then "You have been outbid".
  2. If the auction has ended:
    1. If the user is the highest bidder then "You won the auction".
    2. If the user is not the highest bidder then "You lost the auction".

In my Auction application, I have 3 main tables, Auction, Bids and Users. Table structure shown below


userID fullName role
User1 xxxx bidder
User2 xxxx bidder
User3 xxxx bidder


auctionID startDate endDate startingPrice
10001 2023-09-20T12:37:00Z 2023-09-21T12:37:00Z 100
10002 2023-09-22T12:37:00Z 2023-09-22T12:37:00Z 2000
10003 2023-09-22T12:37:00Z 2023-09-25T12:37:00Z 800
10004 2023-09-22T12:37:00Z 2023-09-26T12:37:00Z 3000


bidID auctionID bidderID bidAmount bidDate
101 10001 User1 120 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
102 10001 User2 140 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
103 10001 User1 160 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
104 10001 User2 200 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
105 10001 User1 240 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
106 10002 User3 2200 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
107 10002 User2 2400 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
108 10002 User1 2800 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
109 10002 User2 3200 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
110 10002 User3 3400 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
111 10003 User1 900 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
112 10003 User2 1200 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
113 10003 User3 1600 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z
114 10003 User2 1800 2023-09-20T13:33:44Z

Expected Result

userID auctionID maxBidAmount status
User1 1001 240 You won the auction
User1 1002 2800 You lost the auction
User1 1003 900 You have been outbid
User2 1001 200 You lost the auction
User2 1002 3200 You lost the auction
User2 1003 1800 You are the highest bidder
User3 1002 3400 You won the auction
User3 1003 1600 You have been outbid

Here is my mongodb query which gives wrong result in status column

                $sort: {
                    auction: 1, 
                    bidAmount: -1 
                $group: {
                    _id: {
                        bidder: "$bidder",
                        auction: "$auction"
                    highestBid: { $first: "$$ROOT" }
            { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: '_id.bidder', foreignField: '_id', as: 'bidderInfo' } },
            { $lookup: { from: 'auctions', localField: '', foreignField: '_id', as: 'auctionInfo' } },
            { $unwind: '$bidderInfo' },
            { $unwind: '$auctionInfo' },
                $project: {
                    _id: 0, // Exclude the _id field
                    bidID: "$highestBid.bidID",
                    bidAmount: "$highestBid.bidAmount",
                    bidDate: "$highestBid.bidDate",
                    fullName: "$bidderInfo.fullName",
                    bidder: "$bidderInfo._id",
                    auctionID: "$auctionInfo._id",
                    auction: "$auctionInfo.title",
                    endDate: "$auctionInfo.endDate"
                $addFields: {
                    status: {
                        $cond: [
                                $and: [
                                    { $eq: ["$bidder", "$_id.bidder"] }, // User is highest bidder
                                    { $gt: ["$endDate", new Date()] } // Auction has not ended
                            "You are the highest bidder",
                                $cond: [
                                        $and: [
                                            { $ne: ["$bidder", "$_id.bidder"] }, // User is outbid
                                            { $gt: ["$endDate", new Date()] } // Auction has not ended
                                    "You have been outbid",
                                        $cond: [
                                            { $eq: ["$bidder", "$_id.bidder"] }, // User is highest bidder
                                            "You won the auction",
                                            "You lost the auction" // Auction ended, and user is not the highest bidder
            // Sort the result by bidder
                $sort: {
                    userID: 1 // Sort by bidder in ascending order

Any help will be appreciated!


  • One option is to use $setWindowFields and $switch:

    1. $group by bidderID and auctionID
    2. $lookup to check if the auction is over (that is all the data we need)
    3. $setWindowFields to get the highest bid per auction
    4. $set to format the data
    5. $project to calculate the status
    6. $sort
      {$group: {
          _id: {bidder: "$bidderID", auction: "$auctionID"},
          myHighestBid: {$max: "$bidAmount"}
      {$lookup: {
          from: "auctions",
          localField: "",
          foreignField: "auctionID",
          as: "isEnded",
          pipeline: [{$project: {isEnded: {$lt: ["$endDate", "$$NOW"]}}}]
      {$setWindowFields: {
          partitionBy: "$",
          sortBy: {myHighestBid: -1},
          output: {maxBidAmount: {
                $max: "$myHighestBid", 
                window: {documents: [ "unbounded", "current"]}}
      {$set: {isEnded: {$first: "$isEnded.isEnded"}}},
      {$project: {
          _id: 0,
          userID: "$_id.bidder",
          auctionID: "$",
          maxBidAmount: "$myHighestBid",
          status: {$switch: {
              branches: [
                  case: {$and: [{$eq: ["$myHighestBid", "$maxBidAmount"]},
                  then: "You won the auction"
                  case: {$and: [{$eq: ["$myHighestBid", "$maxBidAmount"]},
                                {$not: "$isEnded"}]},
                  then: "You are the highest bidder"
                  case: {$and: [{$lt: ["$myHighestBid", "$maxBidAmount"]},
                  then: "You lost the auction"
              default: "You have been outbid"
      {$sort: {userID: 1, auctionID: 1}}

    See how it works on the playground example