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sorting list by swapping adjacent elements

By trial and error i've got the solution to do this but i don't understand why it works.

f=n.split(' ')
count = 0

while count <  ( len(f) * (len(f)-2) ):
    for z in range(1, len(f)):
        if int(f[z]) > int(f[z-1]):
            f[z], f[z-1] = f[z-1], f[z]
        if int(f[z]) < int(f[z-1]):
            count +=1
print (f)

so i started out with just while count < len(f) in line 5 and soon understood why it wouldn't work, i tried different multiples of len(f) and soon came to the conclusion len(f) * (len(f)-2) is the par to which i need to check, it does work with all values above it for example len(f) **2

i'm just a beginner and don't understand it only works for len(f) * (len(f)-2) exactly and above. could someone kindly explain it as simply as possible thank you.


  • For context, you may wish to review big O notation: a good starting point can be found here (try Wikipedia for a more formal explanation). I will explain why without requiring knowledge of this notation however.

    Your code is an implementation of bubble sort, which has a worst case time complexity of n squared (O(n^2) in big O notation), where n is the length of the list. This means that in the worst case, it will take a time proportional to the length of the list squared to complete. This is best explained by looking at the worst case scenario of a list reverse sorted.

    The following grepper answer implements bubble sort:

    # Credit to:
    def bubble_sort(array):
        isSorted = False
        passes = 0
        length = len(array)
        while not isSorted:
            isSorted = True
            # perform a pass through the array
            # excluding already sorted positions
            for i in range(length-1-passes):
                if array[i] > array[i+1]:
                    swap(i, i+1, array)
                    # array is not sorted yet
                    isSorted = False
            passes += 1
        return array
    def swap(i, j, array):
        # Swap values at indexes i and j
        array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]

    This algorithm will loop through the reverse sorted list, at each point shuffling the smallest number to the bottom. For example, for the list [4, 3, 2, 1]:

    Iteration 1:
    [3, 2, 1, 4]

    Iteration 2:
    [2, 1, 3, 4]

    Iteration 3:
    [1, 2, 3, 4]

    Iteration 4 (checking):
    [1, 2, 3, 4]

    As you can see, we've gone through the while loop 4 times, and the inner for loop has iterated through each element in the list at every loop in the while loop, resulting in the worst case time complexity of n squared.

    Your algorithm's count counts the number of swaps made. This number will therefore be proportional to the square of the length of the list in the worst case.