I need to provide an alternative NavigationBar implementation should the device's width be less that 600.
Here is the code that I am working with:
val config = LocalConfiguration.current
val useBottomNavigation by remember {
derivedStateOf { config.smallestScreenWidthDp < 600 }
Scaffold(bottomBar = {
if (useBottomNavigation) {
// call NavigationBar composable
However, modifier.navigationBarsHeight()
call is not being resolved.
I am on Compose Version 1.5.1
and Material3 1.2.0-alpha03
Anyone with an idea on how to go about this in compose please do help.
According to this Migration Table, what used to be Modifier.navigationBarsHeight()
in Accompanist is now Modifier.windowInsetsBottomHeight(WindowInsets.navigationBars)
in androidx.compose.foundation. The doc on the latter is here.