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How to undo a diff chunk in git with cli?

There is a feature in vscode that can help undo changes to a region of code

enter image description here

I'm guessing it has something to do with the chunks that git diff generates.

But I didn't find out how to do this with git cli. I'm very curious about the mechanics of this feature. It seems to me that it implements an undo operation that is more granular than a file.

I'd really like to know if this has anything to do with diff or git or any other tool behind it.


  • One command for it is simply use git restore --staged -p <path/to/file> to unstage changes in patches (unstaging 'hunk' as per this command), as is better commented already on your post in a series of comments by @Charles Duffy.

    As for this background for this Git chunk undone with VS Code, there are a set of commands displayed for it: enter image description here (Image with test file paths hidden :)

    Command starting with git for-each-ref and using --ignore-case is what seems most relevant for this purpose. Of course, these commands also include other Git status sync and processing done by it.

    The exact commands can always be checked in this Output tab (accessible next to Terminal option) with Git chosen in the dropdown.