I want to write/store data in Hasicorp
vault using Ansible. I have the working code for that. But the problem is I have to store creds in the Hasicorp
vault in a dynamic way.
Depending on the service sometimes we have to store 1 secret, sometimes 2 secrets, or sometimes 3 using the same ansible script.
Eg: For Cassandra 3 secrets: keyspace password username
For RdsPostgreSql for 2 secrets: host port
For SSHConfig 1 secrets: ssh-key
My ansible code:
- name: Get secrets from Vault
hosts: localhost
- name: Write a value to the cubbyhole via the remote host with userpass auth
path: "{{ path_to_secret }}"
"{{ secret_key_1 }}": "{{ secret_val_1 }}"
"{{ secret_key_2 }}": "{{ secret_val_2 }}"
auth_method: token
token: "{{ auth_token }}"
register: result
- name: Echo the secret_data
msg: "{{ result }}"
So in this code how do I make the key/value pairs that I am sending under data
dynamic? Like sending one or more dictionary depending on service.
I have to send the key/value pairs at run time using --extra-vars
Why don't you send the full dict directly as a var?
- name: Write a value to the cubbyhole via the remote host with userpass auth
path: "{{ path_to_secret }}"
data: "{{ my_data_dict }}"
auth_method: token
token: "{{ auth_token }}"
register: result
You can then call this with an extra var from the command line:
ansible-playbook -e '{"my_data_dict": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}}' \
To ease your life a bit (since writing json inline like above is somewhat error prone), you can set the given dictionary in a separate yaml file, e.g. my_data_dict.yml
toto: earth
pipo: wind
bingo: fire
and send the vars declared in that file as extra vars from the command line:
ansible-playbook -e @my_data_dict.yml my_playbook.yml