I'm currently trying to emulate real device on my android emulator.
I run AVD with emulator -avd Pixel_6_Pro_API_31 -writable-system
command, then i root device with avd root
and remount with avd remount
and reboot device. Then i use avd pull system/build.prop
to pool prop file and modify properties i need and push this file back to image. This work fine for couple properties such as ro.system.build.id
and ro.system.build.fingerprint
and calling Build.ID
return changed values.
But how can i change value for Build.HARDWARE from 'ranchu' to any custom value. I have already tried to add ro.hardware
property and using setprop
command, but nothing helped
I want to call Build.HARDWARE and return custom value for this. Or are there any alternative ways to emulate real device fingerprint?
To my knowledge, ro property is written during compilation and cannot be modified again. If you want to modify it, you can only change the relevant source code