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Automatically shift rows with same spatial coordinates into a different cluster

I have a dataframe df:

import pandas as pd

data = {
"latitude": [49.5659508, 49.568089, 49.5686342, 49.5687609, 49.5695834, 49.5706579, 49.5711228, 49.5716422, 49.5717749, 49.5619579, 49.5619579, 49.5628938, 49.5628938, 49.5630028, 49.5633175, 49.56397639999999, 49.566359, 49.56643220000001, 49.56643220000001, 49.5672061, 49.567729, 49.5677449, 49.5679685, 49.5679685, 49.5688543, 49.5690616, 49.5713705],
"longitude": [10.9873409, 10.9894035, 10.9896749, 10.9887881, 10.9851579, 10.9853273, 10.9912959, 10.9910182, 10.9867083, 10.9995758, 10.9995758, 11.000319, 11.000319, 10.9990996, 10.9993819, 11.004145, 11.0003023, 10.9999593, 10.9999593, 10.9935709, 11.0011213, 10.9954016, 10.9982288, 10.9982288, 10.9975928, 10.9931367, 10.9939141],
"cluster": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
"dup_location_count": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)


    latitude    longitude   cluster dup_location_count
0   49.565951   10.987341     0        0
1   49.568089   10.989403     0        0
2   49.568634   10.989675     0        0
3   49.568761   10.988788     0        0
4   49.569583   10.985158     0        0
5   49.570658   10.985327     0        0
6   49.571123   10.991296     0        0
7   49.571642   10.991018     0        0
8   49.571775   10.986708     0        0
9   49.561958   10.999576     1        2
10  49.561958   10.999576     1        2

The columns latitude and longitude represent the spatial coordinates of people. The column cluster represents the cluster. People who live at the same building or close to each other are usually in the same cluster. Each cluster has a cluster size of 9 people. The column dup_location_count represents the number of other people who share exactly the same coordinates.

I am looking for an automatic way to move people who share the same cluster, but have exactly the same coordinates, into a different cluster (see for example index 9 and 10). Preferably into a cluster which is "relatively close" to the original cluster. I have no exact definition of "relatively close" but the clusters with similar cluster numbers are closer to each other.

Note: make sure that even after shifting the people into different clusters, the cluster size stays the same (9).

Ideally I end up with a dataframe where each cluster contains people who live not at the same place and each cluster contains exactly 9 rows.

The original dataframe has 3k rows. Therefore I need some kind of algorithm to do the job. Any ideas?

Manual solution

# sort values
df.sort_values(by=["cluster", "latitude", "longitude"], inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

# swap people
cluster_size = 9

temp_value = df.loc[2, "cluster"]
df.loc[2, "cluster"] = df.loc[2+cluster_size, "cluster"]
df.loc[2+cluster_size, "cluster"] = temp_value

temp_value = df.loc[4, "cluster"]
df.loc[4, "cluster"] = df.loc[4+cluster_size, "cluster"]
df.loc[4+cluster_size, "cluster"] = temp_value

temp_value = df.loc[5, "cluster"]
df.loc[5, "cluster"] = df.loc[5+2*cluster_size, "cluster"]
df.loc[5+2*cluster_size, "cluster"] = temp_value

temp_value = df.loc[18, "cluster"]
df.loc[18, "cluster"] = df.loc[18+cluster_size, "cluster"]
df.loc[18+cluster_size, "cluster"] = temp_value

temp_value = df.loc[20, "cluster"]
df.loc[20, "cluster"] = df.loc[20+cluster_size, "cluster"]
df.loc[20+cluster_size, "cluster"] = temp_value

# end of cluster therefore go backwards
df.sort_values(by=["cluster", "latitude", "longitude"], inplace=True)

shift_value = cluster_size - 1
temp_value = df.loc[30, "cluster"]
df.loc[30, "cluster"] = df.loc[30-shift_value, "cluster"]
df.loc[30-shift_value, "cluster"] = temp_value

This way I end up with the final result:

data = {
"latitude": [49.5633175, 49.5659508, 49.566359, 49.56643220000001, 49.56643221, 49.567729, 49.567729, 49.568089, 49.5687609, 49.5630028, 49.5659508, 49.56643220000001, 49.56643221, 49.5686342, 49.5695834, 49.5706579, 49.5716422, 49.5717749, 49.5619579, 49.5628938, 49.5633175, 49.56397639999999, 49.56397639999999, 49.566359, 49.56643221, 49.5677449, 49.5679685, 49.5619579, 49.5628938, 49.5630028, 49.5672061, 49.5679685, 49.5688543, 49.5690616, 49.5711228, 49.5713705], 
"longitude": [10.9993819, 10.9999593, 11.0003023, 10.9999593, 11.001122, 10.9982288, 11.0011213, 10.9894035, 10.9887881, 10.9873409, 10.9873409, 10.9999593, 11.001122, 10.9896749, 10.9851579, 10.9853273, 10.9910182, 10.9867083, 10.9995758, 11.000319, 11.0003023, 10.9999593, 11.004145, 10.9935709, 11.001122, 10.9954016, 10.9982288, 10.9995758, 11.000319, 10.9990996, 10.9935709, 10.9982288, 10.9975928, 10.9931367, 10.9912959, 10.9939141],
"cluster": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)


  • Here is another way to do it with Pandas sample and concat methods:

    df = df.drop(columns=["cluster", "dup_location_count"])
    df_copy = df.copy(deep=True)
    dfs = []
    while True:
        for cluster_number in range(1 + df_copy.shape[0] // CLUSTER_SIZE):
            # Select a sample without duplicated coordinates
            while True:
                tmp = df_copy.sample(n=CLUSTER_SIZE, replace=False)
                if (
                    tmp.drop_duplicates(subset=["latitude", "longitude"]).shape[0]
                    == CLUSTER_SIZE
            # Add new cluster number
            tmp["cluster"] = cluster_number
            # Remove sample from original dataframe
            df_copy = df_copy.drop(labels=tmp.index)
            if df_copy.shape[0] <= CLUSTER_SIZE:
                df_copy["cluster"] = cluster_number + 1
        # Check that no cluster contains duplicates
        for item in dfs:
            if item.duplicated(subset=["latitude", "longitude"]).sum():
                # Start again
                df_copy = df.copy(deep=True)
                dfs = []
        else:  # if no duplicates found in any cluster, exit loop
    new_df = pd.concat(dfs).sort_values(
        by=["cluster", "latitude", "longitude"],


    # Output
         latitude  longitude  cluster
    0   49.562894  11.000319        0
    1   49.563003  10.999100        0
    2   49.566359  11.000302        0
    3   49.568089  10.989403        0
    4   49.568761  10.988788        0
    5   49.569583  10.985158        0
    6   49.571123  10.991296        0
    7   49.571371  10.993914        0
    8   49.571642  10.991018        0
    9   49.561958  10.999576        1
    10  49.562894  11.000319        1
    11  49.563317  10.999382        1
    12  49.565951  10.987341        1
    13  49.566432  10.999959        1
    14  49.567729  11.001121        1
    15  49.567745  10.995402        1
    16  49.567968  10.998229        1
    17  49.569062  10.993137        1
    18  49.561958  10.999576        2
    19  49.563976  11.004145        2
    20  49.566432  10.999959        2
    21  49.567206  10.993571        2
    22  49.567968  10.998229        2
    23  49.568634  10.989675        2
    24  49.568854  10.997593        2
    25  49.570658  10.985327        2
    26  49.571775  10.986708        2