I have the current table example :
I know how to get the rows where the ID is found in :
result_query_1 = models_contacts.objects.filter(company_members_id__icontains= str(pk)+";")
result_query_2 = (here I would like the row of the ID used for the previous query if a match is found)
But I would like to go one step further and also get the row of the ID in another queryset (depending on the first one matches).
For example :
If id 1 is found in company_members_id :
result_query_1 = row N°2 (addidas) + row N°4 (Jordan)
result_query_2 = row N°1 (Nike)
I was thinking of using a for loop but I don't Know how to do this in Django.
Maybe there is a simpler / better way to do this ?
This is the answer thanks to Igor Moraru in the comments :
result_query_2 = models_contacts.objects.filter(id=pk).values() if result_query_1.exists() else None