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How to show in another table how many value of 1,2,3 from "kondisi" column in each cluster?

This image is the example of the dataset

So i've asked this to ChatGPT and another AI helper, but the result is 0.

This image is table to show what i want

So from the image about table to show what i want, column "Baik" means how many number 1 is from column "kondisi" in the dataset, same as "sedang": 2 ; "buruk": 3;

And this below is the code that i try to fix because the result is 0 :

<h4>Jumlah Cluster</h4>
<table class="table table-border">
    if ($this->session->userdata("kmeans_result") !== NULL) {
      $res = array();
      $kondisiCounts = array();
      foreach ($this->session->userdata("kmeans_result") as $key) {
        if (!isset($res[$key[1]])) {
          $res[$key[1]] = 1;
        } else {

        // Check if 'kondisi' key exists and access it safely
        $kondisi = $key['kondisi'] ?? 0;

        // Count Kondisi values
        $clusterId = $key[1];
        if (!isset($kondisiCounts[$clusterId])) {
          $kondisiCounts[$clusterId] = array('Baik' => 0, 'Sedang' => 0, 'Buruk' => 0);
        // Increment the count based on the Kondisi value
        if ($kondisi === 1) {
        } elseif ($kondisi === 2) {
        } elseif ($kondisi === 3) {

      foreach ($res as $key => $val) {
          <td><?=$kondisiCounts[$key]['Baik'] ?? 0?></td>
          <td><?=$kondisiCounts[$key]['Sedang'] ?? 0?></td>
          <td><?=$kondisiCounts[$key]['Buruk'] ?? 0?></td>

The dataset is from session : $this->session->userdata("kmeans_result")

And this below is code to show the result and become the dataset in the first image, and i use this code for reference when i ask to AI, but their solution still give result 0 in each column :

<h4>Hasil Cluster K-Means</h4>
                <div class="table-responsive" id="export">
                  <table class="table table-border">
                        foreach ($this->session->userdata("process_datasetindex") as $n => $v) {
                            $obj = $v;
                      $resk = $this->session->userdata("kmeans_result");
                      foreach ($resk as $key) {
                           foreach ($this->session->userdata("process_datasetindex") as $n => $v) {
                               $attr = array_column($this->session->userdata("process_dataset"),$v,$obj);



  • Nvm i know the answer now, turns out the data is in different array in different sessions, so the data to count which data is in this cluster is inside session : $this->session->userdata("kmeans_result") . But the other data including "kondisi" is inside $this->session->userdata("process_dataset")

    So, first i merge the array and count how many data 1,2,3 from column "kondisi" in each clusters of 1,2,3. complete code :

    <table class="table table-border">
                          <th>Kondisi Baik</th>
                          <th>Kondisi Sedang</th>
                          <th>Kondisi Buruk</th>
                      if ($this->session->userdata("kmeans_result") !== NULL && $this->session->userdata("process_dataset") !== NULL) {
                          // Get the data from both session variables
                          $kmeansResult = $this->session->userdata("kmeans_result");
                          $processDataset = $this->session->userdata("process_dataset");
                          // Create an associative array to store cluster assignments based on the timestamp
                          $clusterAssignments = array();
                          foreach ($kmeansResult as $result) {
                              $timestamp = $result[0];
                              $cluster = $result[1];
                              $clusterAssignments[$timestamp] = $cluster;
                          // Initialize arrays to keep track of 'kondisi' counts for each cluster
                          $clusterKondisiCounts = array();
                          // Iterate through the dataset to count 'kondisi' values for each cluster
                          foreach ($processDataset as $data) {
                              $timestamp = $data['tanggaljam'];
                              $kondisi = $data['kondisi'];
                              // Get the cluster assignment for the current data point
                              $cluster = $clusterAssignments[$timestamp];
                              // Initialize the count for the cluster if it doesn't exist
                              if (!isset($clusterKondisiCounts[$cluster])) {
                                  $clusterKondisiCounts[$cluster] = array(0, 0, 0);
                              // Increment the count for the corresponding 'kondisi' value
                              $clusterKondisiCounts[$cluster][$kondisi - 1]++;
                          // Display the counts in the table
                          foreach ($clusterKondisiCounts as $cluster => $counts) {
                              <td><?= $cluster ?></td>
                              <td><?= $counts[0] ?></td>
                              <td><?= $counts[1] ?></td>
                              <td><?= $counts[2] ?></td>