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Why do left join results not match in the MS Access database

Why do left join SQL query results not match in the MS Access database?

Maybe there is something wrong with the SQL code that I wrote?

If there is an answer then I don't want to use the function in MS Access because I want to use the SQL for VB.Net.

Table StocksinDetail

No Invno CodeProduct Barcode Colorcode Size Colorname Qty
1 ITO-00004 TEST 1000 03-22164010 - - - 50
1 ITO-00001 TEST 1000 03-22164010 - S - 50
2 ITO-00001 TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF001 XL Putih 50
3 ITO-00001 TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF002 M - 50
4 ITO-00004 TEST 1001 03-22164010 BHTF001 - Putih 50
1 ITO-00005 TEST 1000 03-22164010 - - - 50

Table StocksoutDetail

No Invno CodeProduct Barcode Colorcode Size Colorname Qty
1 ITO-00001 TEST 1000 03-22164010 - S - 1
2 ITO-00001 TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF001 XL Putih 1

Table Stocksfinal

CodeProduct Barcode Colorcode Size Colorname Qty
TEST 1000 03-22164010 - - - 50
TEST 1000 03-22164010 - - - 50
TEST 1000 03-22164010 - S - 50
TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF001 XL Putih 50
TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF002 M - 50
TEST 1001 03-22164010 BHTF001 - Putih 50

Desired result

CodeProduct Barcode Colorcode Size Colorname Qty
TEST 1000 03-22164010 - - - 100
TEST 1000 03-22164010 - S - 50
TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF001 XL Putih 50
TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF002 M - 50
TEST 1001 03-22164010 BHTF001 - Putih 50
    t1.CodeProduct, t1.Barcode, t1.Colorcode, t1.Size, 
    IIf(IsNull(t1.Qty),'0',t1.Qty)-IIf(IsNull(t2.Qty),'0',t2.Qty) AS QTY_STOCK,
    StocksinDetail AS t1
    StocksoutDetail AS t2 ON (t1.Size = t2.Size)
                          AND (t1.Colorcode = t2.Colorcode)
                          AND (t1.Barcode = t2.Barcode)
                          AND (t1.CodeProduct = t2.CodeProduct);


  • Your desired result doesn't show any data from StocksoutDetail. The output can be obtained with an aggregate query of StocksinDetail alone (Query1 below). If you want to pull data from both tables as shown in your SQL statement, build aggregate queries of each detail table then join those queries.


    Query1: SumIN

    SELECT CodeProduct, Barcode, Colorcode, Colorname, Size, Sum(Qty) AS SumINQty
    FROM StocksinDetail
    GROUP BY CodeProduct, Barcode, Colorcode, Colorname, Size;

    Query2: SumOUT

    SELECT CodeProduct, Barcode, Colorcode, Size, Sum(Qty) AS SumOUTQty
    FROM StocksoutDetail
    GROUP BY CodeProduct, Barcode, Colorcode, Size;


    SELECT SumIN.*, SumOUTQty, SumINQty - Nz(SumOUTQty,0) AS StockQty
    ON (SumIN.Size = SumOUT.Size) AND (SumIN.Colorcode = SumOUT.Colorcode) 
    AND (SumIN.Barcode = SumOUT.Barcode) AND (SumIN.CodeProduct = SumOUT.CodeProduct);
    CodeProduct Barcode Colorcode Colorname Size SumINQty SumOUTQty StockQty
    TEST 1000 03-22164010 - - - 100 100
    TEST 1000 03-22164010 - - S 50 1 49
    TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF001 Putih XL 50 1 49
    TEST 1000 03-22164010 BHTF002 - M 50 50
    TEST 1001 03-22164010 BHTF001 Putih - 50 50

    If you want to make it an all-in-one SQL, copy/paste SQL of each aggregate query (without semicolon) into 3rd query - resulting FROM clause would be like;

    FROM (paste query1 here) AS SumIN LEFT JOIN (paste query2 here) AS SumOUT

    Then can delete first 2 query objects. This is how to use Access query designer to create complex nested queries.

    If details were in a single Transactions table with a field to designate if transaction were IN or OUT, one aggregate query would serve. So an alternative to the 3 queries is to build a UNION query that merges these 2 tables into a single dataset (as would be if they were one table to begin with) then use that query in another that aggregates.

    SELECT CodeProduct, Barcode, Colorcode, Size, Colorname, 
       Sum(IIf(Cat="IN", Qty, 0)) AS StocksIN, 
       Sum(IIf(Cat="Out", Qty, 0)) AS StocksOUT, 
       Sum(Qty * IIf(Cat="OUT", -1, 1)) AS StocksFinal 
       (SELECT [No], Invno, CodeProduct, Barcode, Colorcode, Size, Colorname, Qty, "IN" AS Cat FROM StocksinDetail
        UNION SELECT [No], Invno, CodeProduct, Barcode, Colorcode, Size, Colorname, Qty, "OUT" FROM StocksoutDetail) AS DetailUNION
    GROUP BY CodeProduct, Barcode, Colorcode, Size, Colorname;