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How to keep Prolog from going back and forth between the same two steps forever?

Behold the following "solution" to the Towers of Hanoi problem:


f([A|As],[],C) :- f(As,[A],C).
f([A|As],B,[]) :- f(As,B,[A]).

f([],[B|Bs],C) :- f([B],Bs,C).
f(A,[B|Bs],[]) :- f(A,Bs,[B]).

f([],B,[C|Cs]) :- f([C],B,Cs).
f(A,[],[C|Cs]) :- f(A,[C],Cs).

f([A|As],[B|Bs],C) :- A < B, f(As,[A,B|Bs],C).
f([A|As],B,[C|Cs]) :- A < C, f(As,B,[A,C|Cs]).

f([A|As],[B|Bs],C) :- B < A, f([B,A|As],Bs,C).
f(A,[B|Bs],[C|Cs]) :- B < C, f(A,Bs,[B,C|Cs]).

f([A|As],B,[C|Cs]) :- C < A, f([C,A|As],B,Cs).
f(A,[B|Bs],[C|Cs]) :- C < B, f(A,[C,B|Bs],Cs).

But this will never finish as Prolog is getting stuck at moving disk 1 back and forth between rod A and B ad infinitum:

[trace]  ?- f([1,2,3],[],[]).
   Call: (10) f([1, 2, 3], [], []) ? creep
   Call: (11) f([2, 3], [1], []) ? creep
   Call: (12) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (13) 3<1 ? creep
   Fail: (13) 3<1 ? creep
   Redo: (12) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (13) 3<2 ? creep
   Fail: (13) 3<2 ? creep
   Redo: (12) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (13) 1<3 ? creep
   Exit: (13) 1<3 ? creep
   Call: (13) f([1, 3], [], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (14) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (15) 3<1 ? creep
   Fail: (15) 3<1 ? creep
   Redo: (14) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (15) 3<2 ? creep
   Fail: (15) 3<2 ? creep
   Redo: (14) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (15) 1<3 ? creep
   Exit: (15) 1<3 ? creep
   Call: (15) f([1, 3], [], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (16) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (17) 3<1 ? creep
   Fail: (17) 3<1 ? creep
   Redo: (16) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (17) 3<2 ? creep
   Fail: (17) 3<2 ? creep
   Redo: (16) f([3], [1], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (17) 1<3 ? creep
   Exit: (17) 1<3 ? creep
   Call: (17) f([1, 3], [], [2]) ? creep
   Call: (18) f([3], [1], [2]) ? 

I'm generally aware of cuts being used in similar situations. But where would you place a cut here if that is required or indicated?

How to make this program finish without having to rearrange it based on specifics of the backtrack trace? Because I assume this would be an option here but this is of course a toy example.


  • According to /u/brebs something like this would be the most straightforward adaption of my code, keeping track of and avoiding past states. This does not just look ugly it is - if I dare to say - downright unmaintainable. Hence I hope some Prolog Yedi is taking notice of my plight and enlightens me as how to do it right.

    f([A|As],[],C,P,P_) :- 
        \+ member([As,[A],C],P), 
    f([A|As],B,[],P,P_) :- 
        \+ member([As,B,[A]],P), 
    f([],[B|Bs],C,P,P_) :- 
        \+ member([[B],Bs,C],P), 
    f(A,[B|Bs],[],P,P_) :- 
        \+ member([A,Bs,[B]],P), 
    f([],B,[C|Cs],P,P_) :- 
        \+ member([[C],B,Cs],P), 
    f(A,[],[C|Cs],P,P_) :- 
        \+ member([A,[C],Cs],P), 
    f([A|As],[B|Bs],C,P,P_) :- A < B, 
        \+ member([As,[A,B|Bs],C],P), 
    f([A|As],B,[C|Cs],P,P_) :- A < C, 
        \+ member([As,B,[A,C|Cs]],P), 
    f([A|As],[B|Bs],C,P,P_) :- B < A, 
        \+ member([[B,A|As],Bs,C],P), 
    f(A,[B|Bs],[C|Cs],P,P_) :- B < C, 
        \+ member([A,Bs,[B,C|Cs]],P), 
    f([A|As],B,[C|Cs],P,P_) :- C < A, 
        \+ member([[C,A|As],B,Cs],P), 
    f(A,[B|Bs],[C|Cs],P,P_) :- C < B, 
        \+ member([A,[C,B|Bs],Cs],P), 

    At least it terminates with a solution.

    ?- f([1,2,3],[],[],[[[1,2,3],[],[]]],P), reverse(P,P_), write(P_).