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Serial Monitoring esp32c3

I recently bought an esp32c3 supermini as they look really neat and small with slightly better specs over an esp8266. I used the arduino framework to be able to program the board, and installing the esp32 board definitions i can upload code to it successfully. Uploading blink works a charm (after updating the global defines for it to point at the right io for the LED_BUILTIN). Also using another sketch which exposes an access point and web page works.

However, when trying to monitor the board using Serial, I cant get any serial comms out of the device, in fact once I've flashed the device, it no longer comes up as a com port, the device comes up as an 'unrecognised usb device'.

Ive followed this guide but it didnt help. Specifically the part about setting the rts and dtr pins, and the programming speed to 115200. Ive stripped back some code to being as simple as it can be to print something to serial but it is still not coming through to the arduino monitor or to a putty serial terminal:

void setup()

void loop()

Supplied schematic for the board: Schematic of esp32-c3 supermini Has anyone else experienced the same issue? any known fixes for this issue?


  • After starting from a fresh install the serial monitor works just fine. I'm not sure which configuration option caused my issues but it had to be one of them. Thank you for the assistance