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Shiny & plotly: re-use a plot in a larger modal window & control font sizes

I faced a specific challenge and have come up with a solution. I am uncertain if this is an elegant solution though. Asking for improvements.


I am developing a shiny app using with a page with multiple boxes. Each box may contain a plolty plot or a DT table. I am providing an actionButton in the footer of each box which allows a modalDialog to be opened, displaying a larger version of the plot.

I found an old comment from Joe Cheng here showing a way to link the same renderPlot call to two output objects. That works as long as I call one object in my UI file and the other in the modalDialog function.

However, I wanted to control the various font sizes in the plotly plot: in the zoomed plot, rendered in a large modalDialog, I want to use larger fonts compared to the 'normal' rendering of the plot. I did not want to venture into javascript solutions either.

One can force oneself through this by duplicating the renderPlotly functions with different font sizes. But I wanted to reuse the existing renderPlotly functions; in my case that function was rather lengthy.


  • Create a function, I called it renderDynamic which takes a list of font sizes as an argument
  • The function returns a renderPlotly object

Using iris as a dataset:

renderDynamic <- function(pars = list(tick_font_size = 14, title_font_size = 18)) {   
  tick_font_size <- pars[[1]]
  title_font_size <- pars[[2]]

     plot <- plot_ly(data = iris, x = ~Sepal.Length, y = ~Sepal.Width, 
                                type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers', 
                                color = ~Species, 
                                marker = list(size = 10, opacity = 0.7))) %>%
         xaxis = list(
           tickfont = list(size = tick_font_size),
           titlefont = list(size = title_font_size)),
         yaxis = list(
           tickfont = list(size = tick_font_size),
           titlefont = list(size = title_font_size))

output$plot_normal <- renderDynamic(pars = list(tick_font_size = 15, title_font_size = 18, slider_font_size = 15))
output$plot_zoom <- renderDynamic(pars = list(tick_font_size = 22, title_font_size = 22, slider_font_size = 18))



  • We can modify an existing plotly object without re-rendering via plotlyProxy(). In this case we'll need to call relayout - which is faster than re-rendering the entire widget:

    ui <- fluidPage(column(4, plotlyOutput("plot_normal")),
                    actionButton("zoom", "zoom"))
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      # render plot once for both outputs
      output$plot_zoom <- output$plot_normal <- renderPlotly({
        plot <- plot_ly(
          data = iris,
          x = ~ Sepal.Length,
          y = ~ Sepal.Width,
          type = 'scatter',
          mode = 'markers',
          color = ~ Species,
          marker = list(size = 10, opacity = 0.7)
        ) %>% layout(
          xaxis = list(
            tickfont = list(size = 15),
            titlefont = list(size = 18)
          yaxis = list(
            tickfont = list(size = 15),
            titlefont = list(size = 18)
      zoom_proxy <- plotlyProxy("plot_zoom", session)
      outputOptions(output, "plot_zoom", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
      observeEvent(input$zoom, {
        showModal(modalDialog(plotlyOutput("plot_zoom", height = "75vh"), size = "l", easyClose = TRUE))
        # modify plot shown in modalDialog
        plotlyProxyInvoke(zoom_proxy, "relayout", list(
          xaxis = list(
            tickfont = list(size = 22),
            titlefont = list(size = 22)
          yaxis = list(
            tickfont = list(size = 22),
            titlefont = list(size = 22)
    shinyApp(ui, server)


    On a side note: are you aware of bslib::card() or bs4Dash::box()? Both are expandable - However, I'm not sure if they can be used along with {shinydashboard}.

    PS: There is a equivalent function available in library(DT) called dataTableProxy().

    Edit: a modularized version of the above approach:

    # plots could be generated in the server() function and wrapped in reactive({}) if needed
    plot1 <- plot_ly(
      data = iris,
      x = ~ Sepal.Length,
      y = ~ Sepal.Width,
      type = 'scatter',
      mode = 'markers',
      color = ~ Species,
      marker = list(size = 10, opacity = 0.7)
    ) %>% layout(
      xaxis = list(
        tickfont = list(size = 15),
        titlefont = list(size = 18)
      yaxis = list(
        tickfont = list(size = 15),
        titlefont = list(size = 18)
    plot2 <- plot_ly(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, type = "scatter", mode = "lines")
    plotUI <- function(id) {
        column(5, plotlyOutput(NS(id, "plot_normal"))),
        column(1, actionButton(NS(id, "zoom"), "zoom"))
    plotServer <- function(id, plotly_object) {
      moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
        # render plot once for both outputs
        output$plot_zoom <- output$plot_normal <- renderPlotly({
        outputOptions(output, "plot_zoom", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
        zoom_proxy <- plotlyProxy("plot_zoom", session)
        observeEvent(input$zoom, {
          showModal(modalDialog(plotlyOutput(NS(id, "plot_zoom"), height = "75vh"), size = "l", easyClose = TRUE))
          # modify plot shown in modalDialog
          plotlyProxyInvoke(zoom_proxy, "relayout", list(
            xaxis = list(
              tickfont = list(size = 22),
              titlefont = list(size = 22)
            yaxis = list(
              tickfont = list(size = 22),
              titlefont = list(size = 22)
    plotApp <- function() {
      ui <- fluidPage(
      server <- function(input, output, session) {
        plotServer(id = "my1stplot", plotly_object = plot1)
        plotServer(id = "my2ndplot", plotly_object = plot2)
      shinyApp(ui, server)  