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What is the best practice to change variables in automations

I am trying to create auto install Ubuntu OS with packer on Hyper-V and I have project like this:

|       |--->user-data
|        |--->build.pkr.hcl
|         |--->pkrvars.hcl   

content in user-data

  version: 1
   hostname: jammy-daily
   username: ubuntu

content of pkrvars.hcl

hostname = "jammy-daily"
username = "ubuntu"

and build.pkr.hcl


ssh_username = "${var.username}"
vm_name = "${var.hostname}"


My challenge lies in the need to dynamically modify variables within the user-data before initiating the build process. While I am aware that PowerShell scripts or Bash scripts can serve this purpose, I am curious if there are specialized tools available for streamlining such automations.


  • I am currently working through something very similar. I found a feature in Packer called templatefile so you can put variables inside your user-data file like so:

      version: 1
       hostname: ${var.hostname}
       username: ${var.build_username}

    Those variables can be passed in through var files or at run time.

    Then in your build.pkr.hcl file under source you refer to your template file with http_content, like so:

    source "test" "example" {    
        http_content = {
            "/meta-data" = file("${path.root}/http/meta-data")
            "/user-data" = templatefile("${path.root}/http/user-data.pkrtpl.hcl", { var = var, local = local })

    Keep in mind that http_directory can't be defined at the same time as http_content.