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watchOS 10 CMBatchedSensorManager, crashes on startDeviceMotionUpdates / startAccelerometerUpdates

I've been waiting to try these APIs. I had already tried them on Beta with no luck and thought on release I would be able to use them. Today I tried with xCode 15 and any calls to start something from the CMBatchedSensorManager will result in a crash after a few seconds on the thread:

Thread 7 Queue : (serial)

No error message, just crash.

Am I doing something wrong?


I had read somewhere that HealthKit is required but then forgotten about it. However, I tried now with adding capabilities to both my iOS and watchOS project. I still don't get it working.

I call HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() and can see it's available on both my devices. I create let healthStore = HKHealthStore() in my App class even though I don't use it. Then when I call

private let batchedMotion = CMBatchedSensorManager()

func startBatchUpdate() {
    batchedMotion.startDeviceMotionUpdates { (x, e) in

It takes a while and then crashes.

enter image description here

Update 2: I was finally able to call the apis without getting a crash by adding Privacy - Motion Usage Description in info.plist. It would be really nice if I had an error message, I just guessed this this time.

However, I get no data and I get an Error. The block parameters x: [CMDeviceMotion]?, e: Error? gives me nil on the x and for the error I get:

"The operation couldn’t be completed. (CMErrorDomain error 109.)"


  • This is a workout centric API, this means that you need an active HealthKit workout session. Do you have one active when trying to get the batched sensor data?