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class-validator: validating sub-types: reject invalid discriminator values, avoid looking inside arrays

How can I get class-validator to be stricter when validating sub-types - specifically, reject invalid discriminator values, and not automatically look inside arrays?

Consider the following code:

import 'reflect-metadata';
import { Equals, ValidateNested, validateOrReject } from 'class-validator';
import { plainToClass, Type } from 'class-transformer';

class Base {
  type: string;
  value: string;

class Derived1 extends Base {
  value: string;

class Derived2 extends Base {
  value: string;

class Data {
  @Type(() => Base, {
    keepDiscriminatorProperty: true,
    discriminator: {
      property: 'type',
      subTypes: [
        { value: Derived1, name: 'derived1' },
        { value: Derived2, name: 'derived2' },
  stuff: Base;

const validate = async (data: unknown) => {
  const instance = plainToClass(Data, data);
  await validateOrReject(instance);

(async () => {
  validate({ stuff: { type: 'derived1', value: 'value1' } });   // (1) passes as expected
  validate({ stuff: { type: 'derived2', value: 'value2' } });   // (2) passes as expected
  validate({ stuff: { type: 'derived3', value: 'value3' } });   // (3) how can I get this to throw?
  validate({ stuff: [{ type: 'derived1', value: 'value1' }] }); // (4) how can I get this to throw?
  validate({ stuff: [{ type: 'derived1', value: 'value2' }] }); // (5) this throws, expecting 'value' to equal 'value1'

In (3), it seems that class-validator is perfectly happy with the invalid type field that was passed. Perhaps it is actually the class-transformer that should be expected to throw here?

In (4) I am actually surprised that this passes without any issue. Can I force class-validator / class-transformer to not automatically validate each array element as if it were a Base?


  • You can make your example work by using the @IsString(), @IsIn() and @IsObject() decorators:

    import 'reflect-metadata';
    import { Equals, ValidateNested, validateOrReject } from 'class-validator';
    import { plainToClass, Type } from 'class-transformer';
    class Base {
      @IsIn(['derived1', 'derived2'])
      type: string;
      value: string;
    class Derived1 extends Base {
      value: string;
    class Derived2 extends Base {
      value: string;
    class Data {
      @Type(() => Base, {
        keepDiscriminatorProperty: true,
        discriminator: {
          property: 'type',
          subTypes: [
            { value: Derived1, name: 'derived1' },
            { value: Derived2, name: 'derived2' },
      stuff: Base;
    const validate = async (data: unknown) => {
      const instance = plainToClass(Data, data);
      await validateOrReject(instance);
    (async () => {
      validate({ stuff: { type: 'derived1', value: 'value1' } });   // (1) passes as expected
      validate({ stuff: { type: 'derived2', value: 'value2' } });   // (2) passes as expected
      validate({ stuff: { type: 'derived3', value: 'value3' } });   // (3) how can I get this to throw?
      validate({ stuff: [{ type: 'derived1', value: 'value1' }] }); // (4) how can I get this to throw?
      validate({ stuff: [{ type: 'derived1', value: 'value2' }] }); // (5) this throws, expecting 'value' to equal 'value1'


    1. With IsObject() you are forcing stuff to be an object and your forbid arrays.
    2. With IsIn() you are forcing type to be one of your options ('derived1' | 'derived2'), anything else will fail.
    3. Notice you should always use keepDiscriminatorProperty: true to make it work, if not, @IsIn will fail since type key won't be present on type key validation process.