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Create a trigger on insert that creates another trigger on a different table in PostgreSQL

I have the following scenario:

I have a table 'a' containing and id and other information. Whenever a new entry is added in table 'a', another table is created named 'a_id'. So for example, if I insert an entry in table 'a' that has the id 1, another table named 'a_1' is automatically created. Table 'a_1' contains an id of it's own, but the only relation with the first table is it's name. I need to insert in a separate table, whenever something is inserted in 'a_1' (or 'a_2', or 'a_3', or...) the id of the new entry in 'a_1' and the original id form table 'a' (in this case 1).

The solution I found for this is to create an insert trigger for table 'a' that creates another insert trigger for any subsequent tables created from it ('a_1', 'a_2', etc). The trigger on those tables would get the id of the new entry and the whatever is in the table name after '_', and would insert those values in a separate table.

Is it possible to do something like this (create a trigger that creates triggers on other tables named dynamically)?


  • Assuming a basic starting structure like this: (demo for all below)

    create table a(
      id int generated by default as identity primary key,
      payload text default gen_random_uuid()::text);
    create table a_gen_collector(
      a_id int references a(id) 
               on delete cascade
               on update cascade,
      a_gen_id int); --note this collects data from different a_N tables, so no FK

    Dynamic SQL EXECUTE with format() lets you do all that. Named dollar quotes come useful with all the nesting:

    create function tgf_a_gen() returns trigger language plpgsql as $f_1$
      execute format(
         create table %1$I (id int generated by default as identity primary key);
         create function tgf_%1$I_collect() returns trigger language plpgsql as $f_2$
            insert into a_gen_collector (a_id,a_gen_id) values (%2$L,;
            return null;
         end $f_2$;
         create trigger tg_a_gen_collect after insert on %1$I
         for each row execute function tgf_%1$I_collect();
      return null;
    end $f_1$;
    create trigger tg_a_gen after insert on a
    for each row execute function tgf_a_gen();
    1. You might need to build out the trigger structure to emulate foreign key cascading behaviour between the collector table and all the a_N's. You could even reverse the link and make the collector centrally responsible for generating all the, while the a_N tables only receive it into a foreign key column. That way you can update those on the collector table and the change will cascade to the corresponding a_N.
    2. You might want to also handle dropping and renaming the a_N tables in response to updates and deletes from the main a table. Otherwise both of these operations are bound to orphan their corresponding table ( will no longer coincide with any a_N table).