I want to create a code that run on a data frame based on conditions form another data frame. The code should do this: if column 1 has A and type1, then give it a score. the condition data frame is something similar to this:
df1<-data.frame(Gene1=c("A","B", "C","D"),
and my data looks like this:
df2<-data.frame(Gene1=c("A","B", "C","D"),
the output should look like this :
df.output<-data.frame(Gene1=c("A","B", "C","D"),
So the conditions is based on 2 columns, I used case_when but it did not work, something like this:
df<- df1%>%
mutate(score=case_when(Gene1=="A"& types=="type1~ 50,
Gene1=="B"& types=="type2~ 30,
Gene1=="C"& types=="type3~ 30,
Gene1=="D"& types=="type4~ 10,
TRUE ~ 0))
it is not working, also if I want case_when to ignore the order of the conditions so it matches all the conditions regardless there order what should i do? Any help is appreciated.
df_output <- df1 |>
left_join(df2, by = "Gene1") |>
mutate(score = case_when(
Gene1 == "A" & types == "type1" ~ 50,
Gene1 == "B" & types == "type2" ~ 30,
Gene1 == "C" & types == "type3" ~ 30,
Gene1 == "D" & types == "type4" ~ 10,
TRUE ~ 0)) |>
select(Gene1, types, score)