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Show all the resources linked to a app insights resource on Azure

I want to see all the resources (Function Apps ect) that are using a specific App Insights. This is because I want to delete the app insights and recreate it. So far I cannot find out how to achieve this. I cannot find a way to do it on the portal or through Azure CLI.

Through Azure CLI closest I have gotten is:

az graph query -q "Resources | where isnotnull(properties['ConnectionString']) | where '<CONNECTIONSTRING>' contains properties['ConnectionString'] | project properties['ConnectionString'], name"

But I find most resources have a null ConnectionStrings, dosen't seem this would work through graph query. Any suggestions?

I came across Is this really the only variable option?



  • Show all the resources linked to a app insights resource on Azure: -

    After a workaround on your requirement, I found a way using PowerShell and the script is given below.

    $app=Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName "<resourcegroup>" -Name "KeyVaultPublish2023"
    if($setting_name -contains "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY"){                                                                                                
    write-output "App insights exists"
    if($setting_value -contains "<Give the required app insight to check>") #for eg: xxxxxx0-442f-8c0dr-2xxxx
       write-output "App insight key is using the app insight resource."
    write-output "Not matched."

    enter image description here

    Note: You can use either APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING or APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY to check whether it is linked to the specific app insights resource. And I've checked for one app service under a resource group. To check all the resources, use foreach ($app in $apps) in the above code to make it work.