I have got the code below which will check to see if a network peering exists and act accordingly, I recently changed the bicep pipeline to add failOnStandardError: true
as I noticed that sometimes the bicep code would fail but the pipeline gives the impression it ran successfully.
$peering = az network vnet peering show -g xxx -n enter-wrong-peering--vnet-name vnet_name --query "name" --output tsv
This returns the error.
ERROR: (NotFound) Resource /subscriptions/xx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/xxx/virtualNetworkPeerings/xxx not found. Code: NotFound Message: Resource /subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/xx/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/xxx/xxx not found.
My question is, is there a way to silence this section of the code below ?
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
try {
$peering = az network vnet peering show -g xxx -n enter-wrong-peering--vnet-name vnet_name --query "name" --output tsv
catch {
Write-Output "Peering does not exist"
I have tried to place the code in a try/catch block and setting the Errorcontrol to SilentlyContinue
Have you tried redirecting the stderr output?
$peering = az network vnet peering show -g xxx -n enter-wrong-peering--vnet-name vnet_name --query "name" --output tsv 2>error.txt