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Can REDCap tally responses?

I have a matrix with three different possible responses, N, E, or C. Can REDCap tally the number of "N" responses?

I'm fairly new to REDCap and don't necessarily know what to try. I've tried if/then statements, but they're getting complicated.


  • Assuming N, E and C are the labels of the choices in a matrix of radio fields (feel free to correct my assumptions) so, something like this:

    enter image description here

    Where N is coded 1, E is 2 and C is 3.

    To count the number of individual fields in which N, E and C were selected, then you would create three different calculated fields, [count_n], [count_e] and [count_c], that have these calculation equations:

    [count_n]: sum(if([q1]='1',1,0), if([q2]='1',1,0), if([q3]='1',1,0))

    [count_e]: sum(if([q1]='2',1,0), if([q2]='2',1,0), if([q3]='2',1,0))

    [count_c]: sum(if([q1]='3',1,0), if([q2]='3',1,0), if([q3]='3',1,0))

    This will produce the following:

    enter image description here

    Again, let me know if I've got your requirements wrong.