I am looking for a little assistance. I am new to C# and am trying to build a simple addition/ subtraction game for my kid to practice his skills. I have the basics working (more to develop on it) so far but there is one issue that I am looking to fix.
How I have the string in the code set up, it will print a couple of random numbers on separate lines. I am wanting to align these numbers to the right, but there will not always be a set number of digits. Here is the code (probably sloppy, so I apologize) thus far.
/* Basic build
- There are two numbers up to 6 numbers
- Number 1 must be higher than number 2 (-'s are still out of scope)
- Operation is randomized
- 10 Questions per round
- There will need to be a scoring system
int num1;
int num2;
int answer;
string opperation = "+";
string guess;
int finalAnswer;
Random randNumber = new Random();
int score = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
num1 = randNumber.Next(0, 101);
num2 = randNumber.Next(0, 101);
string num1String = num1.ToString();
string num2String = num2.ToString();
answer = num1 + num2;
Console.WriteLine($" {num1String}\n+ {num2String}\n---------");
guess = Console.ReadLine();
while (!int.TryParse(guess, out finalAnswer))
Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid number. Please guess again:");
guess = Console.ReadLine();
if (finalAnswer == answer)
Console.WriteLine("That is correct! :)\n\n");
Console.WriteLine("That is Incorrect. :(\n\n");
Console.WriteLine($"Your score is {score} out of 10");
An example of the the current output could be
+ 5
I am looking to make it more like
+ 5
I have been researching but am unable to find a solution to this.
The string class has a built in PadLeft
method you could use.
For example:
Console.WriteLine($"{num1String.PadLeft(10)}\n{operation}{num2String.PadLeft(10 - operation.Length)}\n---------");
I used your operation
variable that you defined, and I took it's length into consideration when determining the padding for num2String