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Launch a Flutter apk using adb and open the dart observatory

I have an APK that is built in debug mode using flutter build apk --debug. I want to launch that APK using adb then connect to the dart VM service that is spun up.

I launch the application using:

adb -s emulator-5554 shell am start -n com.filledstacks.bookshelf/com.filledstacks.bookshelf.MainActivity

This works as expected and launches the app with the output:

Starting: Intent { cmp=com.filledstacks.bookshelf/.MainActivity }

I then use logCat to get the log for my Flutter application using the following shell command.

adb -s emulator-5554 logcat -d flutter:I '*:S' -T '09-20 16:24:48.967'

The command above filters logs for all flutter:I logs. This prints out what I expect:

--------- beginning of main
09-20 16:25:16.939 14663 14702 I flutter : The Dart VM service is listening on

But when I open that url I get the "site can't be reached message".

My guess is that the process that launches the app is stopped, which shuts down the observatory. But I don't have enough terminal experience to test that out. I've been trying for about 2 hours.

I'm on MacOS using latest adb.


  • Try opening the URL by replacing with This is the address for the emulator.


    You can port forward from the emulator to your host machine for accessing using