Search code examples

`OpenSearch.Client` - searching for documents with a field inside a set of values

I want to to find the documents that have a field match any of the values in a set, say an array of new int[]{3,7,80}.

I see that I could potentially do it like that:

var response = openSearchClient.Search<Document>(s => s
            .Query(q => q
                .Bool(bq => bq
                    .Must(mq => mq.Term("fieldName", 3) || mq.Term("filedName", 7) || mq.Term("filedName", 8))

Maybe I could also build this query in a programmatic loop as well.

But isn't there a better way?

I see there is a .TermSet() method (documentation here), but it doesn't seem to produce the expected results for me:

var response = openSearchClient.Search<Document>(s => s
            .Query(q => q
                .Bool(bq => bq
                    .Must(mq => TermsSet(f => f.Field(d => d.fieldName).Terms(new int[]{3,7,80})))

I have enabled logging of the queries and I see that the code above generates empty queries.

Can anyone tell me how this is done?


I think I should include a script for the minimum_should_match parameter. But I have tried this now, and it doesn't work:

mq.TermsSet(f => f.Field(d => d.fieldName).Terms(new int[]{3,7,80}).MinimumShouldMatchScript(sr => sr.Source("1")))


  • You can indeed use the terms_set query to find documents where a field matches any of the values in a set (an array in this case).

    Try this :

    var response = openSearchClient.Search<Document>(s => s
        .Query(q => q
            .Bool(bq => bq
                .Must(mq => mq
                    .TermsSet(ts => ts
                        .Field(d => d.fieldName)
                        .Terms(new int[] { 3, 7, 80 })
                        .MinimumShouldMatchScript(sr => sr
                            .Source("1") // You can adjust the script based on your requirements