I am using Microsoft Graph API to get user photos. I started receiving 403 error with "ForbiddenByPolicy".
This call:
Returns now:
"code": "ForbiddenByPolicy",
"message": "invalid_role",
"innerError": {
Note that the call below still succeeds and returns user info:
Until recently, the "photo" call was also working fine. It is still working fine for myself (but not for other users). Is this a new change in Graph API? Is this a new bug in Graph API?
The consent is given for the "User.Read" and "User.BasicRead.All" scopes.
--- the inner error
"date": "2023-08-14T09:06:26",
"request-id": "40ed6973-e474-4bfa-872e-5cd5aa55d513",
"client-request-id": "40ed6973-e474-4bfa-872e-5cd5aa55d513"
Another example (graph explorer)
"error": {
"code": "ForbiddenByPolicy",
"message": "invalid_role",
"innerError": {
"date": "2023-08-14T09:10:08",
"request-id": "2552817c-471f-412b-9768-bafd2d5bd437",
"client-request-id": "53131fc3-c103-9f2e-f5ec-7afa217dbf7d"
Decoded token (to make sure the "User.BasicRead.All" present:
"aud": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
"iss": "https://sts.windows.net/e2eaf3b1-beaf-47c8-aebd-9ed8150e1671/",
"iat": 1693391362,
"nbf": 1693391362,
"exp": 1693478062,
"acct": 0,
"acr": "1",
"aio": "AVQAq/8UAAAA1MIZNHNfR80E6+9zD4ufcmxQJq9szF5kKTaUqYE9Grp415NSwIu8N6cUoKBt7YwAlacVWbAGujJVQ8fmD2xmbe7X0UXw/a9LpSKmWG/KDJw=",
"amr": [
"app_displayname": "Graph Explorer",
"appid": "de8bc8b5-d9f9-48b1-a8ad-b748da725064",
"appidacr": "0",
"family_name": "***",
"given_name": "***",
"idtyp": "user",
"ipaddr": "*****",
"name": "******",
"oid": "f551a47b-7265-4e25-a3e6-2b933b899cf6",
"platf": "3",
"puid": "1003200094407824",
"scp": "Calendars.Read Channel.ReadBasic.All DelegatedPermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All email Files.Read GroupMember.Read.All openid profile Tasks.ReadWrite Team.ReadBasic.All TeamSettings.Read.All User.Read User.ReadBasic.All",
"signin_state": [
"sub": "2pAn2I8jpIxyOsihr29VT51reFEl4n58Q4QbHciuv4A",
"tenant_region_scope": "EU",
"tid": "e2eaf3b1-beaf-47c8-aebd-9ed8150e1671",
"unique_name": "*****",
"upn": "******",
"uti": "FXN4CMLDXEiyMnxqsqVgAA",
"ver": "1.0",
"wids": [
"xms_cc": [
"xms_ssm": "1",
"xms_st": {
"sub": "SB91M9_xYO6hFj5HnPTKFP5P04-mXneD0fmsFl59Ulo"
"xms_tcdt": 1478011165,
"xms_tdbr": "EU"
The issue has been fixed by Microsoft (for me, it just started working again 19.09.2023).