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Python Pandas For Loop with If/then condition

I have the following dataset which I'm looking at banking approval data by two different date months (EOM Date = is when it was uploaded & Approve Date = When facility was actually approved).

df = pd.DataFrame(data=[["1/08/23","1/08/23","yy1"], 
                    ["1/07/23", "1/06/23", "yy5"], 
                    ["1/07/23", "1/07/23", "yy6"], 
                    ["1/06/23", "1/06/23", "yy7"], 
                    ["1/06/23", "1/05/23", "yy8"], 
                    ["1/06/23", "1/04/23", "yy9"]], 
                columns= ["EOM Date","Approve Date","Facility Id"])

The desired output is if the 'EOM Date' and 'Approve Date' match id like that in the output. Currently, I am able to create this by using the numpy np.where(EOM Date == Approve Date, Facility Id, 0) etc. However, I need to do this in a loop format.


df = pd.DataFrame(data=[["1/08/23","1/08/23","yy1"],
                    ["1/07/23", "1/07/23", "yy6"],
                    ["1/06/23", "1/06/23", "yy7"]], 
                columns= ["EOM Date","Approve Date","Facility Id"])
EOM Date Approve Date Facility Id
1/08/23 1/08/23 yy1
1/08/23 1/08/23 yy2
1/07/23 1/07/23 yy4
1/07/23 1/07/23 yy6
1/06/23 1/06/23 yy7


  • You can use iterrows() to loop over the dataframe (list comprehensions format)

    lst = [val for i, val in df.iterrows() if val['EOM Date'] == val['Approve Date']]
    df = pd.DataFrame(lst)

    But the efficient way is to use np.where or broadcasting

    df = df[df['EOM Date'] == df['Approve Date']]

    Both will produce

      EOM Date Approve Date Facility Id
    0  1/08/23      1/08/23         yy1
    1  1/08/23      1/08/23         yy2
    3  1/07/23      1/07/23         yy4
    5  1/07/23      1/07/23         yy6
    6  1/06/23      1/06/23         yy7