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XPath to target first ancestor tag

Some HTML:

      <svg xmlns="">
        <path d="x" />
    <button>                                      <!-- I want this -->
      <svg xmlns="">
        <path d="y" />                            <!-- I have this -->

I have the data (y) to target the second path, and then I want to get its ancestor button.

I can target the path element like this:


But I can't target its closest ancestor button:


A demo is here.

And if I try this in firefox or chromium devtools (for the page containing the above markup):

$x("//ancestor::button[1]", document.querySelector("path[d='y']")) returns many results, not just the first ancestor button.


  • Inside the browser, and with the built-in XPath 1.0 support, I think you need to use namespaces to select the SVG elements e.g.

    var namespaceResolver = function(prefix) {
      if (prefix === 'svg')
        return '';
        return null;
    var path = document.evaluate('//svg:svg/svg:path[@d = "y"]', document, namespaceResolver, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE).singleNodeValue;
    var ancestorButton = document.evaluate('ancestor::button[1]', path, namespaceResolver, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE).singleNodeValue;
          <svg xmlns="">
            <path d="x" />
        <button>                                      <!-- I want this -->
          <svg xmlns="">
            <path d="y" />                            <!-- I have this -->

    Or switch to SaxonJS and XPath 3.1 and use for instance a different default element namespace when looking for SVG and for HTML elements e.g.

    const xhtmlNamespace = '';
    const svgNamespace = '';
    var path = SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate('//svg/path[@d = "y"]', document, { xpathDefaultNamespace : svgNamespace });
    var ancestorButton = SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate('ancestor::button[1]', path, { xpathDefaultNamespace : xhtmlNamespace });
    <script src=""></script>
          <svg xmlns="">
            <path d="x" />
        <button>                                      <!-- I want this -->
          <svg xmlns="">
            <path d="y" />                            <!-- I have this -->