I have a chain which is defined as:
convR_qa = ConversationalRetrievalChain(retriever=customRetriever,
memory=memory, question_generator=question_generator_chain,
combine_docs_chain=qa_chain, return_source_documents=True,
return_generated_question=True, verbose=True )`
But now, I want to combine my chain with an agent, where agent can decide whether to retrieve or not depends on the user's intention. I know there is "Conversational Retrieval Agent" to handle this problem, but I have no idea how to combine my ConversationalRetrievalChain with an agent, as both question_generator_chain and qa_chain are important in my case, and I don't want to drop them. Thanks for your attention.
I have tried Conversational Retrieval Agent in langchain document. But it is hard to customize for me.
To handle with "How to decide to retrieve or not when using ConversationalRetrievalChain", I have a another solution rather than using "Conversational Retrieval Agent", which is token-consuming and not robust. A new LLMChain called "intention_detector" is defined in my ConversationalRetrievalChain, taking user's question as input. Then it will decide:
intention = self.intention_detector.run(question=question)
return true or false. The prompt template of intention_detector behaves like:
prefix="Please judge does user's query be related to knowledge in specific domain. Return True or False.",
suffix="Input: {question}\nOutput: ",
Fewshots examples are given above depending on your demand. Then, another LLMChain can handle with:
PROMPT_CHAT_HISTORY = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
SystemMessage(content="Refer to the chat_history and answer the latest question."),
Therefore, our ConversationalRetrievalChain bahaves much more smart, like:
Human: Who are you?
AI(answer directly): I am an AI Assistant. How can I help you?
And if you propose some professional issues:
Human: Is biyadi worth investing in?
(After retrieving the vectorDB)
AI: Refer to the infomation provided by GF Securities, biyadi launches a lot new ......
And finally, we can end the conversation:
Human: Thanks for your help!
AI(answer directly): You are welcome!
Here our ConversationalRetrievalChain can distinguish human's intention, choosing to retrieve the vectorDB or not.