I am attempting to plot the pointy bit of Australia in Vega-Lite, using the geoshape mark. My GeoJSON file is valid as per geojson.io and presents correctly:
[Cairns area]
However, Vega-Lite cannot produce anything like this image, When inspected by mapshaper.org, the CRS is set to WGS-84 with EPGS-4326.
The code is described here, in the Vega Editor
Any ideas?
I've tried in-lining as TopoJSON, adding a CRS field to the GeoJSON, and re-projecting the map to another CRS, such as 3587, using {sf}
in R (as some posts have mentioned that Mapshaper inverts the axis). I have also tried Vega instead of Vega-Lite with no success.
As a workaround, removing the sign (-) from each latitude and selecting the identity projection gives a good-enough visual, but it still seems like something is missing.
Edit to add: Just found the reflectY
property for projection, which removes the need to remove signs. It still feels like a workaround, so hoping someone can see the real problem.
Projections have lots of options to get your map to show the right way. I have used scale and center here but there are other approaches too.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
"description": "A choropleth map depicting U.S. unemployment rates by county in 2009.",
"width": 960,
"height": 500,
"autosize": "none",
"data": [
"name": "counties",
"values": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
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"properties": {"Area": "Cairns", "Residents": "an_interesting_mob"}
"format": {"type": "json", "property": "features"}
"projections": [
"name": "projection",
"type": "mercator",
"scale": {"signal": "867"},
"center": [{"signal": "144"}, {"signal": "-14"}]
"marks": [
"type": "shape",
"from": {"data": "counties"},
"encode": {"update": {"fill": {"value": "gray"}}},
"transform": [{"type": "geoshape", "projection": "projection"}]