I am trying to write a script that will allow me to pull a command from a json file and use it in the script
Here is the data.json
"play_music": {
"name": "play_music",
"command" : "adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///${device_directory}${music_file} -t audio/${audio_type}",
"variables" : {
"device_directory" : {
"name" : "device_directory",
"variable" : "/Downloads/"
"music_file" : {
"name" : "music_file",
"variable" : "test.mp3"
"audio_type" : {
"name" : "audio_type",
"variable" : "mp3"
And here is a snippet of code that I am trying to get to run the command
while true; do
variables=( $(jq -r ".commands.$option.variables | map(.name) | .[]" data.json))
##echo ${variables[@]}
for i in ${variables[@]}; do
##echo -e "\n$i"
var=$(jq -r ".commands.$option.variables.$i.variable" data.json)
if [[ -z $var ]]; then
##echo -e "var is empty"
echo -e "Enter $i: "
read $i
##echo -e "var is full"
declare $i=$var
echo -e "\nmusic file='${music_file}'"
echo -e "\naudio type='${audio_type}'"
echo ""
command="$(jq -r ".commands.$option.command" data.json)"
echo $command
The variables report as
music file='test.mp3'
audio type='mp3'
The command just comes back as:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///${device_directory}${music_file} -t audio/${audio_type}
But what I am looking for is
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:////Downloads/test.mp3 -t audio/mp3
I tried running outputting the command in different forms $(command), "$command", etc but have had no luck.
This is not very elegant (see More Elegant below), and I'm confident you'll get a better answer, but it's possible for jq
to form the command
string in one go using a filter like this. Perhaps you can adapt it for your application.
| .command as $cmd
| .variables
| .device_directory.variable as $dir
| .music_file.variable as $file
| .audio_type.variable as $type
| $cmd
| sub("\\${device_directory}"; $dir)
| sub("\\${music_file}"; $file)
| sub("\\${audio_type}"; $type)
Output using your probable input:
"adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:////Downloads/test.mp3 -t audio/mp3"
Try it on jqplay.org.
The same output is produced by this filter and is perhaps more adaptable to your application.
| (.variables|map({k: .name, v: .variable})) as $vars
| reduce $vars[] as $var (.command; .|sub("\\${\($var.k)}"; $var.v))
Try it on jqplay.org.
... and more incomprehensibly as:
| reduce .variables[] as $var (.command; .|sub("\\${\($var.name)}"; $var.variable))
... still outputs:
"adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:////Downloads/test.mp3 -t audio/mp3"
Try this on jqplay.org.