I have the following 2 test cases for the same method.
The first calls a service where there is no result (because the service method is a void
The second calls the same service but then it results with an exception.
How can I merge these two test cases into one by using the @Unroll and where
Test 1:
def "test is valid by case - valid"() {
given: "data to validate"
Data data = Mock()
when: "trying to check if valid"
def result = validationService.isValidByCriteria(data)
then: "no exception is thrown"
and: "validation is called without exception"
1 * validationLogic.validate(data)
and: "no exception therefore true returns"
Test 2:
def "test is valid by case - invalid"() {
given: "data to validate"
Data data = Mock()
when: "trying to check if valid"
def result = validationService.isValidByCriteria(data)
then: "no exception is thrown"
and: "validation is called with exception"
1 * validationLogic.validate(data) >> {throw new Exception()}
and: "exception therefore false returns"
I am not sure you should bake those two tests into a single one, because they represent different feature behaviours. I understand your motivation to reduce duplicate code, though.
I guess your situation is roughly as follows:
class ValidationService {
ValidationLogic validationLogic
boolean isValidByCriteria(Data data) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
println "Validation error: $e.message"
return false
return true
class ValidationLogic {
void validate(Data data) {
if (data.name.contains('x'))
throw new Exception('invalid data')
class Data {
String name
Then your original test runs as given. One way to unify those two methods looks like this:
class ValidationServiceTest extends Specification {
def validationLogic = Mock(ValidationLogic)
def validationService = new ValidationService(validationLogic: validationLogic)
@Unroll('#resultType result')
def 'validation service returns normally'() {
given: 'data to validate'
Data data = Mock()
when: 'trying to check if valid'
def result = validationService.isValidByCriteria(data)
then: 'service does not throw any exceptions'
and: 'validation is called'
1 * validationLogic.validate(data) >> { if (!expectedResult) throw new Exception('oops') }
and: 'result is as expected'
result == expectedResult
resultType | expectedResult
'valid' | true
'invalid' | false
In IntelliJ IDEA the unrolled feature is represented like this:
Try it in the Groovy Web Console.