I am trying to access messages using Microsoft graph API using the SDK but the messages are null in MailFolderCollectionPage
. I can list folders in the mailbox and get count of items. If I use REST API I am able to see messges as json response but with SDK I can't
Here is the code snippet on how I am trying to read messages. Getting nullpointer at f.messages
MailFolderCollectionRequestBuilder folders = graphClient.users("email@domain.com").mailFolders();
System.out.println("Printing Folders..");
for (MailFolder f : mailFolders) {
System.out.println("## Display Name:" + f.displayName + ", " + f.id);
System.out.println(" ## Message Count:" + f.messages.getCount() );
System.out.println(" ## Unread item count " + f.unreadItemCount);
System.out.println(" ## Total item count " + f.totalItemCount);
If I access using rest API I can see messages in response
okhttp3.Request listMessages = new okhttp3.Request.Builder() .url("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0//users/email@domain.com/mailFolders/mVlLWE3N2UtNDAwNy05NmRkLTRhZDk4YTFjYWEAAAAEMAAA=/messages")
.method("GET", null)
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token))
Then only request your making to the Graph is to ask for the mail Folders eg in
MailFolderCollectionRequestBuilder folders = graphClient.users("email@domain.com").mailFolders()
If you want to get the messages then you will need to include a request for the Messages collection of each folder you want to access and pass in the FolderId from your folder request something like eg