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how to split RTK Query files with endpoint injection

I'm using RTK Query successfully in my project, but I have 8 tags/data sets and each of those needs a getOne, getAll, add, update, delete, undelete query/mutation and some need more. It's getting hard to manage so I'm trying to use injectEndpoints to split the queries up by tag using the tutorial at

Unfortunately, when using their code structure, I get an error Uncaught ReferenceError: builder is not defined. Am I missing something?

import { apiSlice } from "./apiSlice";

export const accountsSlice = apiSlice.injectEndpoints({
    endpoints: builder ({
        getAccounts: build.query({
            query: () => ({
                url: '/api/accounts',
                method: 'get'
            providesTags: (result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Account', id: arg }]
        getAccount: build.query({
            query: accountId => ({
                url: `/api/accounts/${accountId}`,
                method: 'get',
            providesTags: (result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Account', id: arg }]
        addAccount: build.mutation({
            query: (account) => {
                console.log('account data:', account);
                return {
                    url: `/api/accounts/store`,
                    method: 'post',
                    data: account
            invalidatesTags: (result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Account'}]
        updateAccount: build.mutation({
            query: (account) => {
                console.log('account data:', account);
                return {
                    url: `/api/accounts/${account.acc_id}/update`,
                    method: 'patch',
                    data: account
            invalidatesTags: (result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Account', id:}]


  • It's a function definition with an argument called builder, not a call to the function builder:

    Instead of builder({ /* ... */ }) (as in your code),

    it should be

    builder => ({ /* ... */ })

    which is short for

    (builder) => ({ /* ... */ })


    function anonymous(builder) {
      return {
        /* ... */ 