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$this->db->update(); function in Codigniter is not working

I used the $this->db->update(); function to update a field in a table using Codeigniter. I have the following model function to do this :

function addBills($fdata) {    
    if (!empty($fdata)) {    
        if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
            if ($this->db->update('store_update_stock', array('bill_status'=>'Added'),
                array('update_stock_id' => $fdata['bill_id']))) {
                return true;
    return FALSE;

As an example, $fdata contains a bill_id, for example: 805 which matches with the update_stock_id in my table. Those values are outputting correctly, if used manually.

In the controller, I have:

if (!empty($files)) {
    foreach ($files as $fname) {
        $fdata[] = array(
                     'bill_id' => $this->input->post('bill'),
                     'file_name' => $fname,                    
                     'status' => 1

Expected Result

I want to update the bill_status as "Added" when matching the update_stock_id in the table.


There is no update of the table

Why is the table not updating, when using variable data?


  • you are calling $this->db->affected_rows() before you do the update and therefore returning always false. You need to change the order of functions like this:

    function addBills($fdata) {    
        if (!empty($fdata)) {           
           $this->db->update('store_update_stock', array('bill_status'=>'Added'), array('update_stock_id' => $fdata['bill_id']));
           if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
                return true;
            else { 
                return FALSE;             

    see: affected_rows() and Updating Data

    If I change the code as you suggest, I get no output. If I use array('update_stock_id' => 805') hard coded, the update is working fine.

    This is because your array is returned indexed. Your controller function has a foreach loop, within it has an array, which gets indexed:

    foreach ($files as $fname) {
      $fdata[] = array(...);

    Since you are expecting just one bill_id, you use the first (zero indexed array element):

    array('update_stock_id' => $fdata[0]['bill_id']))