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Spack installation of OpenFOAM does not install utility and solver programs

I am installing OpenFOAM with spack. The Spack is configured as follows:

cat << EOF >> $SPACK_ROOT/etc/spack/packages.yaml
        - spec: slurm@22.05.5
          prefix: /usr
        buildable: False
        - spec: libevent@2.1.8
          prefix: /usr
        buildable: False
        - spec: pmix@4.2.3 
          prefix: /usr
        buildable: False
        - spec: hwloc@2.2.0
          prefix: /usr
        buildable: False

The available variants for OpenFOAM reported by Spack are:

# spack list openfoam
    Name [Default]            When    Allowed values    Description
    ======================    ====    ==============    ==================================================

    build_system [generic]    --      generic           Build systems supported by the package
    int64 [off]               --      on, off           With 64-bit labels
    kahip [off]               --      on, off           With kahip decomposition
    knl [off]                 --      on, off           Use KNL compiler settings
    metis [off]               --      on, off           With metis decomposition
    mgridgen [off]            --      on, off           With mgridgen support
    paraview [off]            --      on, off           Build paraview plugins and runtime post-processing
    precision [dp]            --      sp, dp, spdp      Precision option
    scotch [on]               --      on, off           With scotch/ptscotch decomposition
    source [on]               --      on, off           Install library/application sources and tutorials
    vtk [off]                 --      on, off           With VTK runTimePostProcessing
    zoltan [off]              --      on, off           With zoltan renumbering

The compilation is performed with the commands:

spack install -j openmpi@4.0.5 +pmi schedulers=slurm ^pmix@4.2.3 ^hwloc@2.2.0
spack install -j openfoam +metis +scotch +zoltan +kahip +mgridgen ^openmpi@4.0.5 

After the installation I load the OpenFOAM package,

spack load openfoam

and I follow the instructions in the doc/ file of the source code to test the installation:

# Create the user "run" directory:
mkdir -p "$FOAM_RUN"
# Change to the user "run" directory:
# Copy tutorial
cp -r "$FOAM_TUTORIALS"/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily ./
# Run the tutorial
( cd pitzDaily && blockMesh && simpleFoam )

However, there is no simpleFoam solver installed. A search reveals that the code for the simpleFoam solver is present, but no executable is generated:

# find $(spack location -i openfoam) -name simpleFoam

A more detailed search reveals that multiple utility (applications/utilities/) and solver (applications/solvers/) executables are not installed.

Is it possible to compile and load all the utility and solver executables with Spack? Does it require any extra configuration?


  • The trick may be to disable METIS and ParaView, see below.

    We have several SPACK/OpenFOAM versions on different Linux distributions (with a very similar packages.yaml):

    CentOS 7 (manually compiled GCC 10.3.0)

    SPACK 0.17.1 openfoam@2112%gcc@10.3.0~float32~int64~kahip~knl~metis~mgridgen~paraview+scotch+source~spdp~vtk~zoltan

    SPACK 0.19.0 openfoam@2212%gcc@10.3.0~float32~int64~kahip~knl~metis~mgridgen~paraview+scotch+source~spdp~vtk~zoltan build_system=generic

    Ubuntu focal (system GCC 9.3.0):

    SPACK 0.19.0 openfoam@2106%gcc@9.3.0~float32~int64~kahip~knl~metis~mgridgen~paraview+scotch+source~spdp~vtk~zoltan build_system=generic

    I did not have success compiling OpenFOAM with METIS support (yet) and so far I have trouble compiling ParaView from SPACK, so these is disabled. ParaView is installed from system or upstream binaries.

    The following should work:

    spack install openfoam@2212 ~float32~int64~kahip~knl~metis~mgridgen~paraview+scotch+source~spdp~vtk~zoltan ^openmpi@4.0.5

    SPACK can be a little bit temperamental depending on Linux distribution and compiler (and installed system packages).