Whenever I try to set the maintenance window for Redis on my app, I get the following:
❯ heroku redis:maintenance:window:update "Sunday 3:00" -r production
› Warning: redis:maintenance:window:update is not a heroku command.
Did you mean pg:maintenance:window? [y/n]: n
I have set the maintenance window for PG, the part I am worried about is Redis.
The docs / cli help has redis and data:mainteance listed as commands
heroku redis:maintenance
heroku data:maintenances:window:update
is not.
Has anyone else had this issue? Is their CLI tool borked?
You'll need to install the maintenance CLI plugin to use those commands:
You can also manage your planned maintenance with the Data Maintenance CLI Plugin commands. Install the plugin before running the
commands in this article.
You can install the plugin by running
heroku plugins:install @heroku-cli/plugin-data-maintenance