Search code examples

pivot_longer two set of columns in R


df <- data.frame(names = c("John", "Peter", "Mary", "Allan", "Anne"),
                 year = 2001:2005,
                 first_class = letters[1:5],
                 second_class = c("NA", "c", "d", "NA", "e"),
                 third_class = c(letters[1:3], "NA", "NA"),
                 first_day = c("one", "two", "NA", "two", "one"),
                 second_day = c("two", "NA", "one", "one", "two"),
                 third_day = c("NA", "one", "two", "NA", "two"))

I want to pivot two sets of columns, “first_class:third_class” and “first_day:third_day”. I have tried the following syntax:

df |>
  pivot_longer(cols = first_class:third_class,
               values_to = "my_class",
               names_to = NULL) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = first_day:third_day,
               values_to = "my_day",
               names_to = NULL)

However, the output repeats the same information three times:

# A tibble: 45 × 4
   names  year my_class my_day
   <chr> <int> <chr>    <chr> 
 1 John   2001 a        one   
 2 John   2001 a        two   
 3 John   2001 a        NA    
 4 John   2001 NA       one   
 5 John   2001 NA       two   
 6 John   2001 NA       NA    
 7 John   2001 a        one   
 8 John   2001 a        two   
 9 John   2001 a        NA    
10 Peter  2002 b        two  

The expected result should be as follows:

  names year my_class my_day
1  John 2001        a    one
2  John 2001       NA    two
3  John 2001        a     NA
4 Peter 2002        b    two
5 Peter 2002        c     NA
6 Peter 2002        b    one


  • You could do something like this:

      df %>% 
                   names_to = c("Schedule", ".value"),
                   names_sep = "_")

    By using .value you are generating dynamically new columns with the second part of your column names (after the underscore) and you pivot longer the first part assigning it to the variable Schedule.

    names  year Schedule class day  
    <chr> <int> <chr>    <chr> <chr>
    John   2001 first    a     one  
    John   2001 second   NA    two  
    John   2001 third    a     NA   
    Peter  2002 first    b     two  
    Peter  2002 second   c     NA   
    Peter  2002 third    b     one  
    Mary   2003 first    c     NA