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How do I create accounts in AD Users container using DSC?

I've got a section in my DSC-configuration that creates new accounts in a specified OU.
(Input parameters are omitted in the example below.)
Please ignore that I'm currently handling passwords with -AsPlainText

Import-DscResource -ModuleName ActiveDirectoryDsc -ModuleVersion 6.0.1

$Count = 0
foreach ($Principal in $Node.Principals) {
  ADUser "Create_$($Principal.Name)_$Count" {
    UserName     = $Principal.Name
    DomainName   = $Node.DomainName
    Path         = (@($Principal.Path, $DistinguishedNameSuffix) |
                      where { ![string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($_) }
                   ) -join ','
    Password     = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(
                     (ConvertTo-SecureString $Principal.Password -AsPlainText -Force)
    PasswordNeverExpires = $true
    Ensure       = 'Present'
    DependsOn    = @('[WaitForADDomain]DscDomainWait')

But when trying to create users in the AD container Users (which is not an OU), the configuration will fail.

Is there a way to create accounts in that container using DSC?


  • Ok, the answer was pretty simple. I just used search to find the Distinguished Name of the Users container...

    enter image description here

    So, using CN= instead of OU= in the Path input parameter of the DSC-config did the trick :)

    So the issue was with the very thing I omitted to include in my question.