I want to execute the following command inside my docker container through docker compose
cat <<EOT >> /config.toml
certFile = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.site/fullchain.pem"
keyFile = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.site/privkey.pem"
Here's the basic docker compose for this particular container
image: container-image
- --api=true
- --dashboard=true
I want to add that multi line command below those two commands. If it was a single command, i could have simply used
- sh -c "echo 'single line command'"
But how do i execute this multi line command in this instance ?
You wouldn't run a command like this in a Compose file.
Remember that a container only runs a single command, and then exits. This makes it hard to use command:
to create a configuration file, for example, since that will be the only thing the container does. For this setup, as noted in comments, this is even more complicated because the command:
is actually a list of arguments to some other command. You could reverse-engineer what the image does and override its entrypoint:
, but that gets very complicated very quickly.
Since you're just trying to provide a static config file, you should create it on the host and inject it via a bind mount using Compose volumes:
. It looks like you're trying to append content to an existing configuration, so you may need to start by extracting the existing configuration.
docker create --name tmp container-image
docker cp tmp:/etc/letsencrypt/config.toml ./
docker rm tmp
$EDITOR config.toml # and add the lines shown, on the host
version: '3.8'
image: container-image
- --api=true
- --dashboard=true
volumes: # <-- add if not present
- ./config.toml:/etc/letsencrypt/config.toml # <-- add