I have a pyspark
dataframe in the general form of:
| id| date| value |id_index|
| 1|2023-05-14|107.27966| 1|
| 1|2023-05-14| 78.23225| 2|
| 1|2023-05-14|226.91467| 3|
| 1|2023-05-15|107.27966| 1|
| 1|2023-05-15| 78.23225| 2|
| 1|2023-05-15|226.91467| 3|
| 2|2023-05-14|249.05295| 1|
| 2|2023-05-14| 2.0| 2|
| 2|2023-05-14| 0.0| 3|
| 2|2023-05-15|249.05295| 1|
| 2|2023-05-15| 2.0 2|
| 2|2023-05-15| 0.0| 3|
Per unique id
, for the earliest date, I want to keep the row with the lowest id_index
. For the next date for that unique id
, I'd like to keep the next id_index
. For example:
| id| date| value |id_index|
| 1|2023-05-14|107.27966| 1|
| 1|2023-05-15| 78.23225| 2|
| | ...| ...| ...|
| 2|2023-05-14|249.05295| 1|
| 2|2023-05-15| 2.0| 2|
| | ...| ...| ...|
This is the result of an explode
execution transforming a column list into separate rows. I tried creating some additional conditional indices in the hopes that I could use dropDuplicates
with no success.
This is the result of an explode
execution transforming a column list into separate rows. I tried creating some additional conditional indices in the hopes that I could use dropDuplicates
with no success.
Create a window specification and assign the group numbers to each unique combination of id and date then filter the dataframe where the group number is equal to the id_index.
W = Window.partitionBy('id').orderBy('date')
df1 = df.withColumn('ngroup', F.sum((F.col('id_index') == 1).cast('int')).over(W))
df1 = df1.filter('id_index = ngroup')
| id| date| value|id_index|ngroup|
| 1|2023-05-14|107.27966| 1| 1|
| 1|2023-05-15| 78.23225| 2| 2|
| 2|2023-05-14|249.05295| 1| 1|
| 2|2023-05-15| 2.0| 2| 2|