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PROC SQL subquerying

I have this table:

library table attribute_exclusion
lib_A Table A ('column_A','column_H')
lib_A Table B ('column_C','column_X')

And I want to get all columns from SASHELP.VCOLUMN in my HAVE table except the ones in the column attribute_exclusion.

I am trying to do that with the code shown below, but it's returning all columns from both tables, not taking in account my field_exclusion values.

proc sql;
create table want as
    select upcase(compress(t1.libname)) as libname
        , upcase(compress(t1.memname)) as memname
        , upcase(compress( as name
    from SASHELP.VCOLUMN t1, have t2
    where upcase(compress(t2.library) = upcase(compress(t1.libname))
    and upcase(compress(t2.table)) = upcase(compress(t1.memname))
    and upcase(compress( not in 
        (SELECT t3.attribute_exclusion
        from have t3
        where upcase(compress(t3.library)) = upcase(compress(t1.libname))
        and upcase(compress(t3.table)) = upcase(compress(t1.memname))

If I just test the code with a implicit value in attribute_exclusion, it works, so not sure what I missing here :/

proc sql;
create table want as
    select upcase(compress(t1.libname)) as libname
        , upcase(compress(t1.memname)) as memname
        , upcase(compress( as name
    from SASHELP.VCOLUMN t1, have t2
    where upcase(compress(t2.library) = upcase(compress(t1.libname))
    and upcase(compress(t2.table)) = upcase(compress(t1.memname))
    and upcase(compress( not in ('column_C',column_X')

Thanks in advance for all help.


  • When you perform a subquery using not in, you are using in in the sense of the results of the query.

    SELECT t3.attribute_exclusion
    from have t3
    where upcase(compress(t3.library)) = upcase(compress(t1.libname))
    and upcase(compress(t3.table)) = upcase(compress(t1.memname))

    Returns (for tableA):

    in ("('column_A','column_H')")

    For this to match a row in sashelp.vcolumn, the column name in vcolumn would need to be exactly "('column_A','column_H')" - you cannot get this to match (and exclude) more than one column in sashelp.vcolumn by using a single row containing more than one value without some extra coding.

    I can't remember how this could be achieved using a single row (if it's possible), so I'll propose a new table structure for HAVE which should work:

    library table attribute_exclusion
    lib_A Table A column_A
    lib_A Table A column_H
    lib_A Table B column_C
    lib_A Table B column_X

    Here the subquery returns:


    Which is translated by the in to:

    in ('column_A','column_H')

    Whereas in the previous version:

    in ("('column_A','column_H')")

    Subtle, but different.