I'm getting to grips with the Python SDK, having never used GraphQL before (but I'm familiar with the basic concept). I'm able to retrieve the odata_next_link
value from responses, but I'm not sure how to use it. I note from here that:
You should include the entire URL in the @odata.nextLink property in your request for the next page of results. Depending on the API that the query is being performed against, the @odata.nextLink URL value will contain either a $skiptoken or a $skip query parameter. The URL also contains all the other query parameters present in the original request. Do not try to extract the $skiptoken or $skip value and use it in a different request.
However, I'm not sure how to include that URL in the next request. Currently, my queries look like response = await graph_client.groups.by_group_id(group_id).transitive_members.get()
- I don't see an option there to change the base url. I thought I could do something like:
query_params = GroupsRequestBuilder.GroupsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters(
skip_token = parse_qs(urlparse(response.odata_next_link).query)['$skipToken'][0]
request_configuration = GroupsRequestBuilder.GroupsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration(
response = await graph_client.[...].get(request_configuration)
but that reports GroupsRequestBuilder.GroupsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'skip_token'
(and similarly for if I try naming the parameter skiptoken
or skipToken
Frustratingly, there's no code example here - but, based on those examples, I did search the repo for an Iterator - with no results.
We do not have a page iterator for the Python SDK yet, however there is added support for using a raw url for the request. In the case of pagination, a user can use the odata_next_link property value to make a fresh request using with_url and get items in the next page.
Here's a working example:
from msgraph.generated.users.users_request_builder import UsersRequestBuilder
async def get_users():
query_params = UsersRequestBuilder.UsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters(
select=["id", "displayName", "createdDateTime"],
request_config = UsersRequestBuilder.UsersRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration(
users_list = []
users = await client.users.get(request_configuration=request_config)
for user in users.value:
next_link = users.odata_next_link
while next_link:
users = await client.users.with_url(next_link).get()
next_link = users.odata_next_link
for user in users.value: