Currently working on a new web project running under Symfony 6. Unfortunately, I just caught this error :
Variable "ajouterNouveauProjet" does not exist.
By the way, I cannot find the issue ! Here is my controller code :
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Entity\Projet;
use App\Form\ProjetFormType;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\Types\This;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
class LandingPageController extends AbstractController
#[Route('/landingPage', name: 'app_landing_page')]
public function index(): Response
return $this->render('landing_page/index.html.twig', [
'controller_name' => 'LandingPageController',
#[Route('/projet', name: 'projet')]
public function projet(Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $em, ): Response
//On créé un nouveau produit
$projet = new Projet();
$addProjetForm = $this->createForm(ProjetFormType::class, $projet);
return $this->render('landing_page/projet.html.twig', [
'ajouterNouveauProjet' => $addProjetForm->createView(),
and here you can find my view code :
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}Projet{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% include "landing_page/_menuDashboard.html.twig" %}
<form class=" box " method="post">
<h1 class="title is-1">Mes projets</h1>
{{ form_start(ajouterNouveauProjet) }}
<div class="columns">
<div class="column">
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.raisonSociale,
label: 'Raison Sociale',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.activite,
label: 'Activité',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.responsable,
label: 'Responsable',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.formeJuridique,
label: 'Forme Juridique',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.typeJuridique,
label: 'Type juridique',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.mail,
label: 'Adresse E-mail',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
<div class="column">
{{ form_row(,
label: 'Capital',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.adresse,
label: 'Adresse',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.codePostal,
label: 'Code Postal',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.ville,
label: 'Ville',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.telephone,
label: 'Téléphone',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.siret,
label: 'SIRET',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
{{ form_row(ajouterNouveauProjet.naf,
label: 'NAF',
attr: {class: 'input form-control'}
<button type="submit" class="button is-info">Valider</button>
{{ form_end(ajouterNouveauProjet) }}
{% endblock %}
Someone got an idea why I have this error ? everything seems to be OK !
Have a great day guys !
I Try to rename my variables and move my folder root.
Try to remove ->createView()
in the controller.
If you are using symfony 6.3+ render()
is fine. otherwise use renderForm()
In Symfony 6.3 the render()
function has changed.
The render()
method calls $form->createView()
to transform the form into a form view instance.
Symfony 6.3+
public function projet(Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $em, ): Response
//On créé un nouveau produit
$projet = new Projet();
$addProjetForm = $this->createForm(ProjetFormType::class, $projet);
return $this->render('landing_page/projet.html.twig', [
'ajouterNouveauProjet' => $addProjetForm,
symfony <= 6.2
#[Route('/projet', name: 'projet')]
public function projet(Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $em, ): Response
//On créé un nouveau produit
$projet = new Projet();
$addProjetForm = $this->createForm(ProjetFormType::class, $projet);
return $this->renderForm('landing_page/projet.html.twig', [
'ajouterNouveauProjet' => $addProjetForm,