I have a list of numbers with some elements being characters instead. I make a function so that it filter out any character, it works but if I use the max() function on the list and assign it to a variable, then compare it with another integer it says:
Argument of type "SupportsRichComparison" cannot be assigned to parameter "__x" of type "str | > > ReadableBuffer | SupportsInt | SupportsIndex | SupportsTrunc" in function > "new"PylancereportGeneralTypeIssues
Here is the code:
def numOnlyDeck():
Generates a new deck containing only the numeric values from the player's deck.
numDeck (list): A list containing only the numeric values from the player's deck.
numDeck = []
for v in PlayerDeck:
strV = str(v)
if strV.isnumeric():
return numDeck
a = 6
ndeck = numOnlyDeck()
nax = max(ndeck)
if int(nax) >= a:
vscode applies the error red under the word nax in the if statement.
I want to know what happens and how to fix it.
As per explanation here https://github.com/microsoft/pyright/discussions/5660, you may:
such as ndeck: list = numOnlyDeck()