I have a table like that:
columnId1 => "word1,word2,word3"
columnId3 => "word4,word5,word6"
I want to create a table like that:
columnId1 word1
columnId1 word2
columnId1 word3
columnId2 word4
columnId2 word5
columnId2 word6
How can I do it in PLSQL?
create table testtable(col1 varchar2(50) , col2 varchar2(50));
insert into testtable (col1, col2)
with commadata as(
select 'word1,word2,word3' columnid1, 'word4,word5,word6' columnid2
from dual
select regexp_substr( columnid1
, '[^,]+'
,level) as parsed_value
regexp_substr( columnid2
, '[^,]+'
,level) as parsed_value
from commadata
connect by level <= REGEXP_COUNT( columnid1 , '[,]' )+1
select * from testtable;
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
word1 word4
word2 word5
word3 word6
this is assuming you are using 10g and have access to Regular Expressions. this should give you enough to go on to create your statements, do note it is brittle and can break if columnId1 and columnId2 have different amounts of commas and such.