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Sum Value from other workbook with criteria

I want to sum value from workbook A in sheet A, but the problem is Name in Workbook B in 1 column does not split. I use this formula to match the criteria & use split, but only cell with "Dian" will calculate.

  IMPORTRANGE("Workbook A", K10 & "!I:I"),
    (G12=IMPORTRANGE("Workbook A", K$10 & "!H:H"))*
    (REGEXMATCH(IMPORTRANGE("Workbook A", K$10&"!G:G"),TEXTJOIN("|", TRUE, SPLIT(H12, ", ")))

Any help? enter image description here


  • Try this formula:

          query({importrange("","SheetA!A1:C")},"select Col2 where Col2 is not null label Col2 ''")&"×",
          query({importrange("","SheetA!A1:C")},"select Col1 where Col1 is not null label Col1 ''")&",",
          {SEQUENCE(ROWS(query({importrange("","SheetA!A1:C")},"select Col2  where Col2 is not null label Col2 ''")),1,2)},
          query({importrange("","SheetA!A1:C")},"select Col3 where Col3 is not null label Col3 ''")}, 
        "select max(Col2) where Col2 <> ',' group by Col3 pivot Col1"),,9^9)), "×")), ",$", )),
        query({importrange("","SheetA!A1:C")},"select Sum(Col3)  where Col1 is not null group by Col2 label sum(Col3) ''")
     "Select Col1, Col2, Col3 label Col1 'Category', Col2 'Name', Col3 'Total'")


    The formula is based answer in How to create a comma separate aggregate in Google Sheets?. In that case, the data was a given and the answer employed data in two existing columns - {A2:A&"×", B2:B&",", ROW(A2:A)}.

    In this case, there are a couple of significant differences:

    • data is imported from another spreadsheet using IMPORTRANGE
      • so IMPORTRANGE formula are used for each column
      • for example:
        • A2:A&"×" becomes importrange("","SheetA!A1:C")},"select Col2 where Col2 is not null label Col2 ''")&"×"
        • ROW(B2:B) becomes {SEQUENCE(ROWS(query({importrange("","SheetA!A1:C")}
    • there is a third column to be summed
      • resolved with a query using the entire IMPORTRANGE Columns A:C with an argument to sum Column C and order by Column B:
        select Sum(Col3) where Col1 is not null group by Col2



    This applies the logic described in the answer by @player0 in How to create a comma separate aggregate in Google Sheets?