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How to return from a function when a timer finishes in go?

I'm new to go and working on a toy quiz cli program. I'm trying to implement a timer such that when the timer finishes, the quiz is over.

This is my initial implementation.

func StartTimer(quizFinished chan bool, timer *time.Timer) {
    // Start timer
    fmt.Println("\nQuiz has ended")
    quizFinished <- true

func askQuestions(timer *time.Timer, questions []string, answers []string) []string {
    var input string
    var userAnswers []string
    quizFinished := make(chan bool)

    fmt.Println("Starting Quiz...")

    go StartTimer(quizFinished, timer)

    for index, element := range questions {
        select {
        case <-quizFinished:
            fmt.Println("Quiz has ended")
            return userAnswers
            fmt.Printf("Question %d: %s? ", index+1, element)
            userAnswers = append(userAnswers, input)

    return userAnswers

Edited implementation

package main

import (
    s "strings"

func readFileData(fileName string) (questions []string, answers []string) {
    file, err := os.Open(fileName)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed reading data from file: %v", err)

    defer file.Close()

    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
    for scanner.Scan() {
        questionAndAnswer := s.Split(scanner.Text(), ",")
        question, answer := questionAndAnswer[0], questionAndAnswer[1]
        questions = append(questions, question)
        answers = append(answers, answer)
    return questions, answers

func askQuestions(timer *time.Timer, questions []string) []string {
    var input string
    var userAnswers []string = make([]string, 0, len(questions))
    quizFinished := make(chan bool, 1)

    fmt.Println("Starting Quiz...")

    go func() {
        fmt.Println("\nquiz over...")
        quizFinished <- true

    for index, element := range questions {
        fmt.Printf("Question %d: %s? ", index+1, element)
        answerCh := make(chan string, 1)
        go func() {
            answerCh <- input

        select {
        case <-quizFinished:
            return userAnswers
        case answer := <-answerCh:
            userAnswers = append(userAnswers, answer)

    return userAnswers

func main() {
    fileNamePtr := flag.String("filename", "problems.csv", "Specify a file name to read in")
    quizTimePtr := flag.Int("time", 5, "Specify how long the quiz should take")

    timer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(*quizTimePtr) * time.Second)
    questions, answers := readFileData(*fileNamePtr)

    // var userAnswers = askQuestions(timer, questions, answers)
    var userAnswers = askQuestions(timer, questions)
    correctAnswers := 0
    incorrectAnswers := 0

    for i := 0; i < len(answers); i++ {
        if userAnswers[i] == answers[i] {
        } else {

    grade := float32(correctAnswers) / float32(len((questions)))
    fmt.Printf("Total Questions: %d \n", len(questions))
    fmt.Printf("Total Correct Answers: %d \n", correctAnswers)
    fmt.Printf("Total Incorrect Answers: %d \n", incorrectAnswers)
    fmt.Printf("Grade: %.0f%% \n", grade*100)


I keep getting the following output and error:

Starting Quiz...
Question 1: 5+5? 10
Question 2: 1+1?
Quiz has ended
Returning from quiz...
panic: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 2

goroutine 1 [running]:

I don't understand channels and goroutines well enough yet to understand what is happening. The expected behavior is when the timer stops, it prints "Quiz has ended" sends a value into the quizFinished channel, which is read in the select statement. Another issue I ran into is that Scanln will wait for user input after the quiz has ended. Any help is appreciated!


  • When you call the Scanln function in the main goroutine, it pauses and wait for user input. Even if your timer finish in another goroutine and try to notify the main goroutine, The main goroutine will not respond because it is blocked by 'Scanner'.

    This is why, even when the timer ends, Scanln is still waiting for user input.

    package main
    import (
    func askQuestions(timer *time.Timer, questions []string) []string {
        var input string
        var userAnswers []string
        quizFinished := make(chan bool, 1)
        fmt.Println("start quiz...")
        go func() {
            fmt.Println("\nquiz over...")
            quizFinished <- true
        for index, element := range questions {
            fmt.Printf("question %d: %s? ", index+1, element)
            answerCh := make(chan string, 1)
            go func() {
                answerCh <- input
            select {
            case <-quizFinished:
                fmt.Println("exit quiz...")
                return userAnswers
            case answer := <-answerCh:
                userAnswers = append(userAnswers, answer)
        return userAnswers
    func main() {
        timer := time.NewTimer(10 * time.Second)
        questions := []string{"5+5", "1+1", "8+3"}
        responses := askQuestions(timer, questions)
        fmt.Println("answer:", responses)